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The Shelby family seemed to be in tattered ruins each of them falling apart after all the shit Tommy put them through. It was like all the pain all the curses were finally catching up to them. It didn't look hopeful that any of them would survive the up coming year.

'The Shelby's are falling apart' Kat said as she brought the children back from the park Cyril ran ahead of them after the long walk he lapped at his water.

'You just noticed that now sweetie?' Alfie questioned

'Somethings different about this Alfie. It was like Ruby was the first straw. The beginning of the downfall. The beginning of our downfall.' Kat informed him.

'You are not a Shelby' Alfie reminded her.

'No I'm not but gypsy runs through my blood and I've done a lot of bad, more bad than good I'm afraid. I don't want my bad choices catching up to us and our family a little Florence and little AJ. I want them to live a long life I don't wanna have to bury them like Tommy buried Ruby. I set fire to my nieces carriage set her little body a flame. I can't lose them because of the shit I did. They shouldn't be punished. The children should not be punished for the parents bad choices.' Kat said hurriedly.

'I know they shouldn't' Alfie told her 'ive done worse than you. But I'm not gonna let anything happen to our family. I promise you. No bullets no knives no gypsy curses are going to take you away from me. Nothings gonna take our family away. I promise.' Alfie assured her pulling her to him.

'I almost lost you once. When Tommy shot you... God... I wish I strangled him snapped his neck with my bare hands, that day.' Kat muttered.

'No you don't but it would've saved us all a lot of hassle if you did that before he shot me,' Alfie teased.

'I almost lost you once and that was my family, my blood.' Kat reminded him.

'And we took some time off. We spent a lot of time in bed. We finally got ourselves two wonderful children. Who's to say the stress of the bakery wasn't keeping me from performing properly.' he told her pulling her down to his lap.

'I know you've told me that you don't hate him.'

'Hate is such a strong feeling how can I hate the man that brought you to me?' Alfie countered.

'You're a sweet talker you know that?'

'Only to you. Who else is gonna look at my fucked up face?' Alfie joked.

'You're still as handsome as ever,' she assured him

'Look who's the sweet talking now,' he said grinning at her. 'Let's stay away from your family for a while,' Alfie suggested. 'It's easier not to get caught in the crossfire of Shelby business if you're a good hundred miles away...'

'I think that's a good idea. At least for a little while.'

'Good you and me work on having another baby how about?'

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now