Bonnie Gold

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'Right'. Alfie said getting out of the car with a groan. 'fucking hell it smells of pig around here a don't it? Definitely not kosher you're to come to small Heath and you will go to hell for fucking breathing.' Alfie noted

'Shut up I lived here and I turned out completely fine.' Kat told him.

'Did you though love?' Alfie teased. 'Where is everyone? Stretch your legs,' he told Goliath. 'Fuck me he looks like he's grown he's like a mushroom aye? He grows in the dark.' Alfie said as goliath got out of the car

'I need to piss' gol remarked

'Do you? Well yeah this is place is a shit hole. So why don't you just go knock yourself out? Where is everyone?' Alfie questioned

'Don't look at me they don't tell me shit no more' kat remarked.

'Ishmael please will you hit the call to prayer?' Alfie said and he honked the horn once 'well hit it.' he honked again Alfie wasn't satisfied though 'thank you thank you' he said moving Ishmael out of the way. Pressing down on the horn and not letting go until Tommy came walking out he waited until Tommy got right up next to him before letting go. Kat chuckled as tommys face pinched.

'Morning Alfie, Katnip.' Tommy smiled over at her.

'Tom.' She said. Everyone had forgiven him. Because that's what you do. Everyone but Esme. John died and Esme wanted out. Kat thought she got out, thought Alfie would keep her away from the Shelby family drama but Tommy kept dragging Alfie and her back into it.

"yes it is so how come everybody's in fucking bed?' Alfie questioned

'So this must be Goliath,' Tommy said looking the giant over. 'Right let me introduce you to David. This way boys...'

'I assume David's out of bed,' Alfie said following him. 'Oh right the problem between Rum and gin is that gin, right? Leads melancholy while rum incites violence. It also allows you to be liberated from yourself out. I hear you're probably more in need of the old rum at the moment rather than gin mate.' Alfie noted as kat hung back with Gol. 'Oh dear brother you got fucking starlings mate.' Alfie said as bird twittered above them. 'You know that, that shit will rot your pipe work out,' he said pointing his gun up at the ceiling 'these bastards only understand one language...'

''It's all right Alfie there's no need. It's all right i got kestrel.' Tommy told him sitting down at the des.

'I hear you got it Italians mate. You got a kestrel for them at all?' Alfie questioned holstering his gun.

'Yes.' He told him 'I'll have a kestrel for them as well'

'Well everything is confirmed isn't it? Yeah weakness behind the eyes don't blink too much all right? You smell of smoke and coal and horses. You are back where you belong Tommy.' Alfie mocked

'I know you don't touch it do you have a good nose.' Tommy said passing over a drink. He handed one out for kat as well. She took the glass he offered Alfie instead, when tommy didn't flinch she drank it down.

'Right well..' Alfie looked back at Kat. 'Alright, your people, your class and my religion is quite similar actually because you cannot just wash it out right? Because it come out of your mothers tits.' Kat rolled her eyes.

'No. The Americans want sweeter.' Kat told them putting the glass down.

'What have you heard Kat? Alfie?'

'I heard a cooper got shot. Who shot him?' Alfie questioned

'My kestrel' Tommy told him. 'What of the Sicilians?' Tommy questioned

'They are still using Sabini for vehicles and for places to stay,' Alfie informed him

'And reinforcements?'

'They are Sicilians aren't they? They don't trust nobody who ain't fuck to go out on the morning of their first pubic hair. They got traditions.' Alfie told him.

'How many here?' Tommy asked

'11' Alfie answered 'enough to drop a man who wrapped his balls in an OBE till they fell off.'

'Well the real question is Alfie, which side are you playing for?' tommy glanced to kat, her allegiance had been spilt for a while now and after johns death they weren't the same. They wouldn't be until Luca Changretta was dead. Tommy had the bullet that Luca gave him with Kat's name on it. He wasn't after kat but he said if she got in the way, there would be no love lost at her death. But she was a Solomon and that meant something, something better than being a Shelby ever could. Alfie was protecting her with his name and he didn't even realize it.

'No. Fucking help. What kind of world is it When you can bring down your own children mate? can I ask you that question? But the truth is Tommy you're gonna be fucking dead soon and then your starlings they will pick up your blue eyes one day and the jackdaws they will steal your gold and your medals and pretty soon it'll be as if you never happened.' Alfie told him and Kat couldn't look at either of him.

'Tommy some men are here,' finn said coming in, 'Kat!' he hugged her tight,

'Yeah let them pass' Tommy confirmed.

'Hi honey, you've gotten taller!' kat declared kissing his head. 'almost as tall as me.'

'Now Finn.' Tommy told him. Finn looked to kat and she begrudgingly let him go. 'Right,' Tommy turned to Alfie. 'you tell Darby Sabini from me that if the Italians, when they're not planning on coming after me and then they will be on to you and then to the Titanic. They are the fucking mafia Alfie they're coming here and can't believe our coppers and they can distill their liquor and it's not against the law. And they've come here and they like what they see, they're coming they're here to stay.' Tommy informed him.

'Mr. Shelby?' A voice called out 'we've come to talk purse for the fight.'

'Your kestrel? Tell me when a pikey walks in with hair like that you gotta ask yourself if I made a mistake?' Alfie teased looking at Mr Gold.

'Who the fuck are you?' Gold asked.

'Who the fuck am I?' Alfie counted.

'who the fuck is this?' Gold questioned tommy.

'I, my friend, I am the uncle, the protector and the promoter of that fucking thing right there.' he pointed at Goliath

'Alfie be nice' kat warned.

'In his shadow nothing good nor godly ever fucking grow that there right? Is the southern counties welterweight champion he is of mixed religion therefore he is godless.' Kat rolled her eyes as Alfie spoke. 'He was adopted by Satan himself before he was returned out of fear of his own awkwardness. He is impossible to marry off due to his lethal dimensions. His mother terrified she fucking abandoned him,' Alfie went on 'and there he is stood before you like the first of some brand new fucking species.' Alfie told him 'any man you put before him and be like entering a fucking threshing machine mate.'

'That was just something alright.' Kat muttered, rubbing a hand along Gol's back.

'Now... Will you offer your son?' Alfie pondered, Gold looked back at his son

'Name the day Mr. Shelby,' Bonnie said confidently.

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