One of you will die

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There will be a war and one of you will die. I cannot tell which one. it wasn't just tommy and Michael who were hearing polly's voice echoed in their heads. Kat heard it. She heard her screaming that one of them would die. That there was going to be a war. That kat couldn't run away from it anymore.

'Tommys in trouble alfie.' They saw the explosion from afar. Kat saw michaels dead body laying on the ground kat ran inside the bar to see tommy drinking.

'Tommy ?'

'Hey kitten? '

'I smell the smell of roasted Irishman,' Alfie hollered 'Tommy?' kat rolled her eyes as she hugged tommy. Polly was right one of them was to die. 'I also smell the smoke of tobacco which is for bidden in my presence,' Alfie marked as he played a few keys on the piano coming in as Kat clung to her brother. 'all except for one, Alfie went on 'Kat can smoke but she chooses not to because she loves me you are not on my very limited list of one that can smoke around me.' Alfie told Tommy sitting down next to him. 'The Irish being rendered to smoke in fact I know on half of Boston so out of respect for my restored authority... put the fucking cigarette out Tommy.' Alfie requested.

'Hello Alfie. Katnip, I heard you had a nice anniversary?'

'I rode an elephant.' Kat told him.

'They had to shut Camden high Street, it was fucking ridiculous.' Alfie remarked.

'I rode an elephant!' Kat repeated happily 'an elephant Tommy, an elephant!' she exclaimed as Alfie got up and moved to the window.

'Justice and look at that little cunt out there,' he said look at the window 'he's sending his ascending to the heavens!' he declared 'right in front of us before Our very eyes. I can see with this guy I'm not blind. This eye though, this eye is of the dead man dead man can see through life like it was a curtain,' Alfie went on ' a flicker of truth upon it as I can see with us.' Alfie said turning back to them. 'I see that your nephew is ascending and he will be forgiven. Unlike you who on judgment day, it's probably truly fucked when the other shoe drops..'

'Can we not talk of death considering I'm very glad the both of you are alive right now let's just leave it at that shall we?' Kat questioned.

'All right Tommy? How are you keeping?'alfie questioned.

'Do you know Alfie... So many people so many times going to so much trouble to kill me I'm fucking dying anyway. No dummy answer not a bullet not a bomb not a knife.'

'Is it clap? Is it clap?' Alfie asked.

'Tommy?' kat questioned.

'no not that noble.' Tommy told them.

'what are you trying to say I'm about to sign over half a fucking Camden town to you as part of this deal are you saying you're just gonna die in your bed?' Alfie questioned.

'I'm not going to die in bed Alfie who fucking dies in bed?'

'Good people die in their bed Tommy. Good people,' Alfie told him

'I thought we just agreed that the three of us are not good people we are very bad people and have done very bad things' kat reminded them.

'Good people' Tommy muttered 'and yet here we are After all this time you and me and Katerina. And I cross the line. Michael. Polly. Ruby,' he added sadly

'Tommy if you're about to expressed profound emotion you might be better served expressing it to someone who gives a fuck.' Alfie told him.

'I give a fuck' Kat said slapping Alfies arm

'Or perhaps someone who is being paid to pretend to have to,' Alfie went on 'like a fucking nurse or a priest! Someone. And as for death speaking as someone who has been dead for a number of years I can only hardly recommend it.'

'Well Alfie, your opera is complete' Tommy told him snubbing out his cigarette 'Shall we go and witness the final act?'

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