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'Rubys gone , 5:17. Where the fuck is tommy?'

The funeral procession felt like it took hours to walk every 10 steps everyone's feet dragging as they made it to the destination Ruby's name was wrote out and ROSES as her tiny body was placed in a carriage to be set a flame. She never should've died, she was just a child she didn't do anything wrong. Even if this curse was supposed to hurt Tommy Ruby was innocent. There were other ways about going about this but a mother had lost her child and blamed Tommy for it so she thought it was only fair that he lost his daughter too.

'We could've afforded a golden carriage. She deserved a golden carriage,' Tommy told his family. 'We didn't afford ourselves our luxury because gold does not work. And that was the last lesson Ruby taught us. This place was her favorite place in the whole world and she used to say... Dad you never know what's going to come down the river and it's true. Little Ruby's face came 1,000,000 miles too soon and then her name and in her memory things will change,' Tommy told them 'and whatever comes down that river from now on we will make good, we will make peace and honest and good and send it down the river better than it was. In her memory we will do this. But for now we send her on to wherever it is you go in the hope that if there is a destination with horses and boats for her to play on.' Tommy told them.

'I've got the petrol who would like the flame?' Charlie asked once tommy was done.

'Kat she loved you, you made her laugh, can you light the flame' Tommy questioned and akt stepped forward.

'I can light the flame,' she said. But Lizzie ran up screaming no you can't burn her.

'Why don't you say goodbye one more time?' Tommy said as Lizzie and he entered the carriage.

Tommy held his wife and his son as Kat lite the carriage to flames. Kat moved back to Alfie holding him and their children close as her niece, her beautiful wonderful brilliant niece was set a flame. She heard Lizzie screaming out to Tommy she saw Tommy walking away she chased after him Alfie reached for her

'He can't do this alone.' She told him walking backwards towards Tommy.

'Yes he can,' alfie told her.

'He can do this alone. But he shouldnt have to.' Kat said running off

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now