Let me vent

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'Tommy's strategy against Mosley, fascism and the threat of another world war is doomed to fail. What we don't yet know is whether Tommy is doomed along with it, I believe he is. Will he survive his death-wish, and resist the forces both real and metaphysical? Running through that thick head of his, that are trying to destroy him?' kat pondered while she fed Aj the next morning.

'apparently michael lost the Shelby company a lot of money. That left Michael on Tommy's shit list.' Kat went on. 'He called the fucking family meeting because he wants his money back.' Kat spat. Alfie watched her curiously from behind the bar stood as she vented her family reunion.

'Tommy told Michael to earn back the money he'd lost through management of the Shelby Company's coal haulage business, sound fancy right?' kat asked. 'well its not. Really the Shelby companys coal haulage business,' she spat out every word as AJ reached for more mushy food. 'Its a front for their new and highly lucrative trade in Chinese opium. Opium! As if Arthur needs anything else to get his hands on, hes an addict of the cheap stuff I cant even imagine him having a lucid day now!' kat declared. 'Michael told me that his wife, Gina, shes pregnant by the way, well Gina's bootlegger family is loaded. The Americans didn't want to deal with "an old-fashioned, back-street razor gang", said Michael. They wanted the next generation. They are trying to push Tommy out.' Kat informed Alfie with a laugh. 'I don't have to kill him, they are going to do it for me. tommy might even shoot himself. Polly said hes been having dreams of his first love. Fucking Grace. A bitch and traitor she was yet apparently he dreams of her still.' Kat stuck a finger in her mouth her tongue out, 'gag' she told him. 'I hated her then and I hate her now.'

'So I'm guessing whatever Michael tried to offer Tommy was-' Alfie began.

'Rejected. Tommy rejected the proposal Michael was offering and fired Michael. Fire him! Hes a dead man, but I thought that before, many thought that before but the Americans seem to be closing in faster, sensing weakness.' Kat informed him.

'He fucking with the facists?' Alfie questioned.

'Obviously. In the House of Commons, real-life racist, anti-Semite and fascist Sir Oswald Mosley. Mosley is launching a new political party – the British Union of Fascists – and wants Tommy to rally his troops in the Midlands.' Kat told him.

'You actually had a conversation with Tommy?' Alfie questioned.

'No,' kat chuckled 'everyone missed me dearly and Tommy, the shit, he doesn't deserve my breath. But I'm going to continue to vent, alright honey?'

'Vent away love.'

'Ada told me that Tommy publicly agreed to an alliance so that he could spy on Mosley's sedition and sell his secrets to British Intelligence. I mean seriously!' kat shouted.

'Mosleys not a stand up guy I'm guessing?'

'Mosley treated Tommy like dirt throughout their dealings, humiliating his wife Lizzie, which I mean shes better than Grace but shes Lizzie.' Kat said as if that explained everything. 'I like her don't get me wrong but I don't trust her, she doesn't fit into the life and considering she was a whore you would think she would be used to the life.'

'You wanted out.'

'I didn't marry tommy.' Kat reminded him.

'you married a bigger gangster.' Alfie told her.

'the biggest and best.' Kat assured him kissing him. AJ opened his mouth and Kat slipped her dress down he chomped on to her breast. 'Mosley has a truce between the Peaky Blinders and the Billy Boys, who teamed up on the opium supply deal. Which again, Arthur is going to lose his fucking mind! Over dose! No doubt in my mind.' Kat told him.

'for someone out of the family business you seem to care a lot.' Alfie noted.

'I don't care...' she told him but sighed. 'I care because I like most of my family.'

'you can forgive you know.' Alfie told her.

'I cant. I almost lost you. I cant forgive him.' Kat told him.

'you can forgive him.' Alfie repeated.  

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