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Another month another period. Kat didnt know what was wrong with her. Its not like they weren't trying. They never said lets have a baby out loud but every night and most mornings he would fill her up. Yet no baby. She loved taking care of finn she loved it she wanted a chance at her own baby. A baby with alfie. But the fates were not on their side. But maybe that was for the best. Goliath was moving in and kat adored him. He was only 8 years younger than her but he still treated her like a proper lady with respect and kindness. For a giant of a boy he was the sweetest thing.

Kat had never felt so small before, at 5'7 Kat was shorter than her brothers yes but average height taller than her sister and slim and lean but standing next to Alfie and Goliath she felt like a mouse. Alfie was over 6 foot Goliath must've been over 7 feet tall. Kat looked up at him astonished at his height he had to duck when entering the room which made the Kat laugh.

'You sure it's all right that he's staying here?' Alfie asked uncertain of if he needed her permission because it was still his house, their house but she was now his wife.

'Of course it's fine he's your family, after all you let Finn stay here while the boys were adjusting to me leaving.' She looked over at goliath standing awkwardly in the entryway. 'He's a sweet boy. Honest, happy to have him.'

'its just my sister...' Alfie shook his head. His sister was a right cunt.

'I know about problem family Alfie. You've met mine. I'm not one to judge.' Kat informed him.

'actually you are very judgy.' Alfie told her and Kat slapped his arm moving to Goliath.

'So goliath what would you like for dinner?'

'Anything is fine ma'am'

'No need for such formality Gol we are family. You can call me kat.'

'Aunt Kat' he repeated with a smile and hugged her picking her up off the ground she laughed when her feet lifted off.

'Alright Gol dont break her.' Alfie said carefully as he watched his nephew lower his wife to the ground.

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now