Say you'd die for me

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'Hey katnip...' there was a moment of silence, all that could be heard was each person breathing down the line.

'Hows Arthur?' kat said finally.

'How are you sweetheart?'

'How's Arthur?' she asked again.

'I'm getting him out...' Tommy told her vaguely.


'I'm sure Alfie told you a version of what happened.' Tommy went on.

'A version?' Kat looked to the door of Alfies office. She moved around the desk and kicked it closed. 'What are you talking about?'

'Nothing baby... hey I need to set up a meeting with mr. Solomons... can you do that for me?'

Tommy questioned.

'Sure... Tommy are you sure everything is okay? Alfie said that Arthur-'

'Baby, I need a week from tomorrow... how's that sound?' tommy questioned.

'Yeah just give me a second.' She dug out the planner. 'Yeah, that's fine. In the morning? Or evening? I know stupid question'


'Okay... hey tommy?'

'Hey baby?'

'I forgive you.' She told him.

'you do?'

'I miss you.' Tommy let out a breath of relief.

'I miss you too katnip. Lets never fight again, okay?'

'Deal.' She said holding back a sob. After arthurs breakdown she knew she needed to forgive her brothers, talk to them. Make sure the rest of them kept their heads on straight.

'I love you sweetheart.' Tommy told her.

'I love you too Tommy.' Just then Ollie knocked on the door holding up some forms for Kat to go over. Alfie had been thoroughly impressed with kats business skills. She was a fast typist and reader, she was meticulous and he much preferred her in the office than around the bakers. Even though Alfie knew that she could handle herself, he still worried about her. 'Tommy I gotta go.' She said waving Ollie in. 'Yeah... week from tomorrow... bye.' She looked to Ollie as she hung up the phone.

'Make up with the brothers?' he questioned skeptically.

'They are family. I had to forgive them eventually.' She told him.

'they tell you anything about your brother... the one that..' Ollie knew that as soon as he asked he shouldn't have said anything. 'I mean... how is he doing?' ollie corrected. 'He doing any better?' Kat just shrugged.

'Tommy didn't say much. He wanted to talk business... but I'm sure Arthur will be fine...' kat told him.

'alright... um...' he handed over the files. 'this top one... Needs priority.' Ollie told her.

'No problem.' Kat said sweetly. She started reading through the top form and Ollie watched her moment from the door. 'Something else?' she questioned looking up to him.

'No... no. sorry.' He hurried out to find Alfie closing the door behind him.

'A bunch of useless shits you are-' Alfie was telling some incompetent bakers when Ollie found him.

'Alfie, a word.' Ollie said.

'I'm not done yelling at these insufferable shits!' Alfie declared.

'Alfie.' Ollie said desperately.

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now