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AJ was one and despite her better judgement kat went to visit her family. Michael had a wife. Married her on the way over. Apparently tommy had sent him to america. Now he was back with a pregnant wife. Why the fuck did it take her and alfie so damn long?

'Michael,' kat said hugging him. 'You must be the new wife?' Kat questioned smiling at her

'kat,' Michael said happily, 'this my wife Gina.'

'Hi, so nice to meet you Michael talks about you a lot.' She stuck out a hand but kat hugged her.

'Kat-' tommy began

'And you're pregnant? Right?' Gina nodded, 'how wonderful!' Kat went on

'Kat-' tommy tried again but she ignored him.

'I have missed you, she said to Michael' holding his face in her hands. 'so handsome still.' She smiled at him before turning the room. 'Wheres finny? Finny! Oh my baby look at you. Heart breaker no doubt with looks like yours!' Kat said hugging him tight.

'Kat! I missed you!' finn said in her arms.

'Katarina' tommy said more urgently

'Ada... you look lovely as always.' kat said hugging her sister

'Im so sorry about everything,' ada told her

'Not your fault.' Kat reminded her. She hugged arthur and polly next. Her eyes moved to linda.

'Linda.' She said stiffly

'Katarina,' she replied in the same tone.

'Well this was fun. Gina lets get to know each other. I need more girls.' Kat said pulling her away

'Katarina!' tommy said stopping her. 'We need to talk.'

'Fuck off. You seen a doctor yet?' kat said turning her attention back to Gina.

'Not yet I have one scheduled though.' Gina told her.

'want a friend?' kat questioned leading her out.

'I would love that.' gina admitted.

'KATARINA!!' Tommy yelled storming after her but Arthur grabbed his arm.

'You killed her husband, I know hes a shit but-' Arthur began.

'Hes not dead.' Tommy spat silently watching his sister leave. 

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now