We are done

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'tell me you didn't know.' Kat pleaded. Alfie remained quiet. 'Alfie!' she sobbed. 'Two brothers, two brothers gone by the hand of that man!' she shouted.

' I was trying to protect you.' Alfie told her, trying to calm her down.

'I don't need protection!' she spat. 'you are going to need protection from me!' she declared.

'Ma?' Gol asked coming in and kat took a breath, turned back around and looked to Alfie.

'Don't go.' Alfie begged. 'I didn't let them in, but I knew they wouldn't stop. I knew they wouldn't.' Alfie told her.

'You swear you didn't let them in?' kat questioned.

'I swear up and down the holy Bible love.' Alfie placed a hand over his heart.

'I am going to kill Luca Changretta.' Kat told them calmly. 'When that's done, we are done.'


'We are leaving, we are not dealing with any of this anymore. You hear me? I don't want this life for our baby.' She clarified and Alfie could breathe again. 'I want them to have normal lives. I want our children to have a normal life, not have to worry about their parents getting kill! Or worry about them getting killed!'

'Margate.' He told her.


'I found a place in Margate.' Alfie told her. 'I was going to surprise you with it.'


'You and me,' he glanced a Goliath. 'and him too if you want.' Gol smiled hopefully.


'You know youre my whole damn world right, katarina?' Alfie questioned taking slow steps towards her. 'I have loved you for what feels like forever and I'm sorry I keep fucking up.' Alfie said holding onto her hands as he got closer. 'I want to stop fucking up. I want to give you and our baby the life it deserves, a proper life, a normal life.'

'I would really like that.' kat told him and Alfie smiled down at her. 'but first I kill Luca Changretta.'

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now