~001~ trust no one

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The world is full of cruel selfish people and sometimes their the people you trust the most.

Diego pov 12 years ago

I was sitting upstairs in my room playing with Ezra like always after training.

"I'm gonna beat you." Ezra says aggressively clicking buttons on the controller.

"Ha you wish." I say looking at the tv.

"Diego play nice." A female voice says with one giggling toddlers in her arms.

"Yes mama." I say to mom as gun shots go off."

"Boys take your brother and go get your sister." Mama says as we get up and rush to her as she shoves the toddler into my arms.

"Mama what's going on?" Ezra says tearing up.

"Ezra, Diego listen carefully, we are being attacked by some very very bad men, now go get your sister and hide in the closet. Do you understand." She says putting her hands on both of our shoulders. I nod my head and Ezra does the same.

"If anything happens just know that me and your father love you very very much okay." She says hugging us and kissing us on the forehead.

"Love you too mama, be careful. Please." I say as she nods her head and rushes us off.

We run to the twins room and grab Carmen before running to the closet and sitting in a dark corner behind some clothes.

"Diego I'm scared." Ezra says crying as Cameron giggles in his arms.

"Don't be we're safe." I say as Ezra nods his head and lays it on my head.

All i could hear were gunshots, yelling , crying from Ezra, and footsteps.

"Diego someone's coming."Ezra says as I stiffen up and grip onto Carmen tighter.

"Come out come out wherever you are, and hand over the girl." A male voice says looking around the room.

"Diego, Ezra are you in here?" A familiar voice says as I stand up and open the door.

"tío Victor?" I say running up the man as Ezra follows behind me.

"tío I'm scared." Ezra says as tío takes the twins away from us and waves in two guys with needles.

"Don't worry sobrino, it'll all be over soon." he says taking one of the needles and stabbing it into Ezra's neck.

"No,stop, what are doing. EZRA!" I yell as Ezra unconscious body falls to floor.

"WHAT DID YOU DO !" I yell at tío as tears fall from my eyes.

"Don't worry it was for the best." He says grabbing the other needle as one of his men hold me down.


And the room went black I could here the twins crying and tío and his men talking in Russian I could understand Russian but I was too tired to try. I could feel Cameron being later down in my arms squirming around and crying but I couldn't hear Carmen.

I was unconscious for what felt like 4 days but was really 6 hours.

"Mama?" I groan as I sit up from a hospital bed.

"oh dios mio, gracias a dios estas bien." Mama says as she gets up from her chair and hugs me.

"W-where's Ezra, and Cameron, a-and Carmen?" I ask looking at her as her eyes start to tear up.

"Uhm Ezra is in the other room and Cameron is with your father." She says wiping her tears away.

"W-what about Carmen?" I ask as mama starts to cry a little bit.

"Uhm I'll tell you when we get home and away from here, okay mijo?" Mama says wiping more tears away.

I sat there in the hospital bed as the memories come flooding back. A few minutes later the doctor came in and discharged me from the hospital and said I could go. I got out the bed and ran to the car locking all the doors.

"Take me home please." I say as our family driver just looks at me.

I'm sorry sir but I-

"I SAID DRIVE!!" I yell as he starts the car and drives off as my mom runs out the hospital after the car.

I wanted to be alone, I wanted to be alone with my pain and anger.

We pull up to the house, and I sprint into the house and upstairs to the twins room and lock the door , I grab Carmen's blanket and cried , I cried tears of sadness tears, of anger, and tears of disappointment.

Dad banged and knocked on the door to try to get me to open up but I couldn't I just sat there in a corner hugging the blanket.

"Diego open this door now." Mama says rattling the door knob until it opens and she walks in with a key.

"Oh Diego." She says running over to me and hugging me as I let it all out.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault I let them take her." I sob as mama grabs my face with both hands while tears fall down her face.

"Hey hey hey bebé no, listen this isn't your fault,you didn't know." She says trying to look me in the eyes.

I push her away and run to my room, I open my window and climb up onto the room with my blanket and Carmen's, and pillow.

I slept up there every night for a week I didn't go to training I rarely ate dinner and I didn't talk to anyone not even Ezra. This is who I was now sad angry depressed 11 year old Diego who wanted revenge.

"I will find you Mi flor, and I will kill anyone who hurt you." I say as I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Let the war begin!

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