~003~ mission

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Diego pov 13 years later

I was called into dads office and usually when I get called into his office it means there's something wrong with the mafia or One of the boys did something and blamed it on me.

"Whatever it was Ezra did it?" I said as he points to a chair and I go sit in one.

"I need you to go on a mission for me." He says pulling out a file labeled classified.

"Okay what's the mission about?" I ask taking the file from him.

"Carmen." He says as I look at him trying to hide my sadness.

"Dad Carmen is with the Russians so she more than likely dead." I say handing him the file back.

"Alive or dead they have my daughter, and I want you to go and find her." He says spinning around in his chair.

"How?" I ask as he takes a glass of vodka.

"I want you to get caught, I know a few guys that " work" for the Russian so they won't hurt you, but my brother will, and if this all goes according to plan Carmen will be interrogating you." He says while taking a sip of his drink.

"Okay I'll leave tonight." I say getting and leaving.

I go upstairs to my room and pack a bag full of essentials and other stuff I'll need, I change clothes and go downstairs.

"Why are you dressed in your mission clothes?" Mama asks looking up from her laptop.

"Because I'm going on a mission for dad." I say walking over to the fridge.

"Where?" She ask typing again.

"Russia." I mumble as she stops trying and closes her laptop.

"no, no puedes ir a rusia vas a hacer que te maten ya perdí a uno de mis bebés no puedo perder a otro!" She yells angrily as I grab a water and take a seat in front of her.

"Mama I'll be fine." I say grabbing one of her hands.

"No your not going." She says yanking her hand back.

"Mama let me do this. For Carmen." I say as she looks at me with sadness in her eyes but a smile on her face.

I hated when she tried to act brave in front of me even though I know she's hurting and I hate that too.

"Fine but be careful. Please." She says taking my hands.

Time skip tonight

I drove to the airport and boarded the private jet and started working on plans on how to sneak into the Russian warehouse and get caught without making it obvious.

"Hello mr. Hernandez would you like anything to eat or drink?" One of the flight attendant ask holding a tray.

"Just water please." I reply going through files and paperwork.

"Okay I'll be back shortly." She says walking off.

"Why don't the Russians have a lot if security around the house knowing Carmen is there? Stupid Victor." I whisper to myself looking through pictures mansion.

"Here you are." The flight attendant says handing me a glass of water.

"Thank you." I say as she nods and walks off.

Bitch please you really think I'm that stupid. Ice doesn't sink unless you put something in it. You can't poison me.

I spent the rest of the flight looking through files and calling my dad to go over the plan before we land. I get off the plane and into a car with one of my drivers from our mafia. I put on my gloves and fix my suit before we arrive at the location.

"Thank you jerry." I say getting out of the car and looking at the location a few blocks down, it wouldn't take me that long to run down there.

I sprint down to the warehouse and kill off a few guards so I don't look suspicious. After killing off the first 20 guards I get caught by victors head of security ferand he's one of the guys my dad was telling me about how he
"works" for the Russian mafia. I Get taken into the building and to a room with a single chair and a window. He throws me into the chair as two men tie me up and start punching and slapping me in the face. After a few minutes I hear footsteps and voices getting closer a I recognized one of them but not the other.

A girl and Victor glance over at me and start taking, finally they walk over to me as I hang my head low so they can't see my face.

"Hello my name is Carmen and I'm gonna ask you a few questions, I want honest answers or I'm gonna have to hurt you, okay." She says walking around me.

First question. Who are you?" She
asks as I mumbles something under my breath so she couldn't hear my name.

"Speak up or I'm gonna have to hurt." She say as I look up at her with a shocked look on my face.

"Who are you?" She ask again but this time grabbing me by my shirt collar and stabbing me in the shoulder as I hiss a little from the pain.

"Okay Carmen I think that enough." Victor says pulling her out of the room as the I eye her down.

I can't believe it that was my little sister, my Carmen, mi flor.

My eyes follow her until she exits the room and the door closes. She's so grown up and looks just like Cameron ,but sounds like mama, and has me and dads patient's.

"Don't worry boys I'll handle him." Ferand says as the men nod and walk off.

"Is that really her?" I ask as he comes to untie me.

"Yeah, she doesn't even know who y'all are I get the urge to tell her sometimes but I know I'll be killed if I did." He says untieing the last knot.

"She sounds so much like mom if I didn't know who she was I would've thought it was her." I say folding up my shirt to put pressure on the cut.

"Well you better get home before your dad kills me." He says opening a secret door that led outside.

"Please my mom's gonna kill you first once she finds out that you let Carmen stab me." I say grabbing my bag and walking outside.

"If she asks who was with you tell her jerry was, I want to live while jerry drives like doctor strange." He says as I chuckle a little.

"Bye ferand see you later." I say walking down a grassy path and through some trees to the car.

"Diego what happen?" Jerry asks as I get into the car.

"I met my her."

I met my little sister

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