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I take his mask off and I couldn't believe who it was.

"FERAND!" We all yell at the same time.

"YOU TRAITOR YOU TRIED TO HURT MY FAMILY!" Cameron yelled angry at ferand.

"Jerry take him to the warehouse." I say to jerry as he walks into the room and grabs ferand.

"What are you gonna do with him?" Mama asks as I was about to walk out the room.

"Im gonna as him a few questions then kill him." I say with a cold expression on my face.

"But first I have to find my other idiotic brothers." I say as I go walking around the house looking for Ezra and Diego.

"Dipshit and Dipshit #2 where are you?" I call out but get no answer.

I checked their rooms but no one was there, I check the kitchen, game room, movie theater, backyard, and bar, but they weren't in any of those places. I walk towards the basement to see them tied up with panicked expressions on their faces as someone stands in front of them interrogating them.

"TELL ME WHERE NIGHTMARE IS NOW!" A man yells as I watch Diego and Ezra confused expressions.

"If your gonna ask where I am you might want to ask someone who's knows me as nightmare." I say from a dark corner so he doesn't know where I am.

"Come out nightmare." He says turning his back away from me, rookie move. I take one of my throwing knives and throw it right at his leg.

"Rule #1 don't ever turn your back on an assassin especial me." I say as he turns around.

"Come out or I will kill these dipshits." He says trying to act big and tuff.

"Rule #2 don't threaten me and only I give to call them that." I say as he grabs Ezra.

"Come out or I'll kill him!" He says holding a knife up to Ezra's throat.

"And Rule #3 goodnight." I say as I throw a knife at his throat and he starts to choke on his blood. BANG! I shot him right in the stomach as he falls on the ground choking.

"Carmen!" Dad yells as he runs into the basement with mama and Cameron following him.

I run towards Ezra and Diego and untie them as soo as their untied they both engulf me into a big hug.

"He was gonna kill me." Ezra panics in a high pitched voice.

"Yeah "was" until Carmen saved your ass." Diego says as Ezra hits him in the back of the head.

"She saved yours too dumbass!" Ezra argues back.

"Night....mare." The guys says as two of the bodyguards drag him upstairs.

"Why was he calling you nightmare?" Diego asks as I just look at him.

"I'll be back." I say as I run off to my room and FaceTime Lorenzo.



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