008~ panic attack

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We pack up some of my clothes and stuff from my bathroom and put them into my suitcases along with a few of my other things, after that I go pack kilos things and put a leash on him.

"Boys we're leaving." Amanda says as we walk downstairs and to the door.

"I' taking my car and I'll meet you at the private airport." I say walking to the garage.

"Can we ride with you?" Ezra asks as I look at mama and she nods her head so i nod mine as they follow me.

"Which one do y'all want to take?" I ask opening the garage door to hundreds of car

"So your a car girl." Ezra asks in a flirty tone.

"Bitch that's our fucking sister." Diego says slapping him in the back of his head as Ezra snaps out of it and apologizes.

"Kilo go pick a car." I say as he runs off the inspect the cars, usually when I can't decide what car to take I let kilo pick for me.

He picks out the black Range Rover, perfect now we all can fit. I grab the keys to the car and start walking to car as the boys argue over dumb shit.

"Hurry up or we're leaving y'all here." Cameron yells as the boys come running to catch up to us.

"Shotgun." Cameron yells as he runs to the passenger seat.

"Why do you always get the front seat?" Ezra whines getting into the back with Diego.

"Cause I actually pay attention and don't argue about dumb shit." He says as I put my shades on and open the garage door.

"Buckle up." I say as only 2 out 3 of the boys do, it's his fault if I swerve and he goes flying out the window.

I slowly back out of the garage and close it, I turn on some music and once the sound comes out of radio all of the world is tuned out and I do my thing. I speed away from the house drifting on turns while singing to set fire to the rain by Adele.Well they sang I just mumbled the words I know them but I only sing when I'm alone or with Lorenzo.

"Carmen why don't you sing?" Diego asks turning off the radio so he can hear me but there was no point cause I didn't answer.

"You know your gonna have to talk to us sooner or later we're your family, we're your brothers." He says as I start to tear up a little but push them back the only person that was ever a brother to me was Lorenzo and I'm currently mad at him.

We arrive at the airport a few minutes before my "parents"and get out the car.

"Kilo bathroom." I say as he follows me to a patch of grass for him to do his business on.

"Why won't she talk to us?" Ezra asks as they whisper to each other and look at me.

"Just give her sometime she'll eventually talk to us I can sense that she wants to but is scared." Cameron says as he walks towards the jet and gets on.

After a few minutes kilo finishes and I grab my bag out the trunk along with my laptop and board the plane, I sat in the back of the plane while the others sat a few seats away. 30 minutes later we were all on the plane and started taking off I needed to handle some work business and mafia stuff.

"Hey little sister what are you doing?" Ezra asks in a happy tone sitting next to me. Do these guys not know when to quit like I don't feel like talking right now.

"Work." I answer as he tries to look at laptop but I pull away.

"What kind of work are you doing?" He ask trying to pet kilo but he snaps at his fingers.

"Personal." I say typing on my laptop while bouncing my knee. I have anxiety and anger issues those two together don't mix. Kilo kept nudging me in the arm to calm down but I couldn't.

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