016~ breakup

238 60 6

6week time skip

Jaxson had been staying with us since my brothers wouldn't let him leave because of the lockdown which meant he got to do what ever he wanted to me at night. It happened 3 times a week and every time he would tell me not to tell anyone, but last night was different, he told me that we were gonna tell everyone that we were a couple and that if I tried anything he would kill me.

"Hey darling." Jaxson says hugging me from behind, he only did that when we were with my family and at the moment we were.

"Okay we need to talk." My dad says as we all walk to the living room except for Jaxson and sit down.

"Okay so you guys all know about the annual mafia ball we have to attend to in a few days, and now since we have Carmen other mafias are gonna try to take her." He says as they all look at me.

"So that means we need our security everywhere and I need a personal guard to follow me around." I say as my father nods.

"Yes, and you need a date but it can't be Jaxson, you have to take someone from another mafia maybe. . . Lorenzo?" He as I think about it this might be my chance to talk to him in person.

"Fine I'll contact him." I say getting up and walking to the kitchen.


Hey Lorenzo it's Carmen
I know I've been a bitch to you
But my father was wondering if you would attend the mafia ball with me in a couple of days?-C

Sure plus I need to talk to you-L

Okay thank you I'll see you in a couple of days-C

Okay bye Carm-L

I walk back to the living and listen to whatever my family was talking about now.

"What did he say?" Diego asks as they stop talking.

"He said yes plus me and him need to talk." I say as they nod their heads.

"What day is the ball?" I ask getting up.

"August 12." Ezra answers as I pull out my phone.

"Okay I'll schedule my doctors appointment for the 11th." I say to myself forgetting there's other people in the room.

"Why do you need a doctors appointment?" Mama asks concerned.

"Oh just my monthly check up." I say as she lets out a sigh of relief. I walk back to the kitchen and message my doctor the date I want my appointment while eating Oreos and pickles.

"What are you eating?" Cameron asks walking into the kitchen.

"Pickles and Oreos dipped in chamoy!" I say taking a bite.

"Why?" He asks in disgust.

"Because I wanted pickles and Oreos dipped in chamoy !you got a problem with that?" I say getting angry, I grabbing the snacks and walking to my room. I put all American homecoming and lay on my bed.

"Hey Carm I just wanted to tell you that Jaxson left so he wouldn't be aloud back in the house."Ezra says peeking his head through my door.

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