018~ i love you

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"Do my parents know?" She asks looking at me in a scared tone.

"Yes but no." I say giving her a kiss on the nose as she smiles.

"Let's get you upstairs to your room." The nurse says as I gently lift Carmen out the bed and into the chair.

"You okay?" I ask as she nods in response. I wheel her out the room and carry her upstairs as the nurse grabs the chair and follows me. I gently put her back in the chair and wheel her to her room.

"SURPRISE!" Her family yells as we open the door.

"Omg you guys scared me you can't do that to pregnant people." She jokes.

"Wait so your actually pregnant?" Ezra asks as she nods.

"IM GONNA BE A GRANDMA!" Her parents yell excited.

"Forget y'all being grandparents, I'm gonna be an uncle and the best one at that." Ezra says as her parents roll their eyes.

"Okay everyone let's go so Carmen can rest." Her tía says as everyone starts to walk to the door.

"Wait. Mom open that drawer on my bedside table." She says as her mother opens the drewer.


"I did." They all say at the same time.

"Oh shit." One of her Tío say backing up.

"KILO,ASTRID!" She yells as the dogs come running in.

"RUN!" I yell as the boys take off running.

"GO GET EM!" Carmen yells as the dogs chase after the boys.

"Rule #1 never under any circumstance take a pregnant ladies food even fucking goldfish know that." Her Tío says.

"Oh shut up Carlos none of us knew she was pregnant." Her tía says hitting him in the back of the head.

"I knew." Her other tía says. "What y'all all should've known Cameron said she was eating pickles and Oreos dipped in Chamoy we all ate it as one of pregnancy cravings." She says shrugging her shoulders and walking out the room.

"Good night princess." Her dad says as she gives him a fake smile before leaving the room.

"Here let's get you in the bed." I say gently lifting her up and placing her in the bed.

"Do you need anything water, my hoodie, are you craving anything I can go-

"I just want the other baby i love the most to lay with me right now." She says as I look at her confused.

"There's not enough room in your bed for all those people downstairs." I say pointing at the door.

"I mean you silly come lay with me." She says patting the spot beside her. I go and lay down beside her as she lays on my chest.

"I love you Lorenzo moretti." She says as I play with her hair.

"I love you more Carmen Hernandez." I say kissing her in the top of the head. I loved her so much and soon I'll love that baby more than I already do.

I don't know how long we'd been asleep but the sun was starting to rise.

"Morning." Carmen says slowly waking up.

"Morning my love." I say back brushing a piece of hair out her face.

"Are you hungry?" I ask as she sits up.

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