~004~ the necklace

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Diego pov time skip

I arrive at back the house and try to sneak in while without mom knowing but my big mouth of a brother always has to say something.

"Oh mom Diego is home and he's BLEEDING!" Ezra yells from the top of the stairs as mama comes running down the stairs to me.

"OH DIOS MÍO!" Mama yells grabbing my face and arm as i wince from the stab wound staring to get infected.

"Easy mama your hurting my arm." I complain as she drags me to the kitchen where Cameron is.

Cameron's been a little depressed lately since his and Carmen's birthday's coming up and she's not here to celebrate with him. Every year for his birthday he wishes that Carmen would come back, but every time he wishes that, it never comes true so he decided not to have a birthday this year and if Carmen doesn't come back he doesn't want any more.

"Who did that to you?" He ask drinking milk straight out the jug, mama would've thrown her shoe at him but she was busy cleaning my cuts even though I could've cleaned them myself.

"Carmen." I say as he spits the milk out and mama stops and looks at me.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Carmen stabbed me in the arm." I say as Ezra walks in and takes the jug from Cameron and hits him in the back of the head with it.

"Dumbass drank wasted the milk." Ezra says closing the lid.

"Ow, What's she like?" Cameron asks rubbing the back of his head.

"She sounds just like you mama." I say as she starts to tear up.

"she looks identical to Cameron." I say as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"She has Ezra's style." I say pointing at him.

"She has to get her style from somebody and it most definitely won't be y'all." He says flicking fake dust off his shirt.

"She got me and dads temper." I say as mom smiles a little.

"She's perfect." Mama says wiping tears away as Cameron hugs her.

Mama finished cleaning me up and after I went to dads office to tell him about the mission and how Victor panicked when he saw me and immediately dragged Carmen out the room after that I went upstairs to my room, took a shower, and a nap until dinner.

"DIEGO WAKE YOUR FATASS UP DINNERS READY!" Ezra yells walking into my room and ripping the blanket off me as I just lay there.

"I said wakey wakey biatch." He says pouring water on me.

"HIJO DE PUTA TE VOY A MATAR!" I yell as I grab my gun and chase Ezra down the hallway.

"Diego put the gun down and both of you come eat now before the food gets cold." Mama says walking up the stairs pointing to the both of us.

"Okay mama." Me and Ezra say at the same time.

I put my gun in my pants and walk downstairs still fighting with Ezra till we get to the kitchen and dad looks at us.

"Why are you wet?" Dad as already knowing the answer to that.

"You idiotic son poured water on me in my sleep." I say fighting the urge to jump Ezra.

"Did you get him back?" Dad ask picking at his food.

"I was, but mom said not to shoot him even though he deserves it!" I say pulling my gun out.

"Hey Diego after Victor say you and pulled Carmen away what do you think he did with Carmen after that?" Cameron ask with a mouthful of food .

"I don't know but I do know that after Victor pulled her out he started yelling at her and she was getting pissed I bet she would've cursed him out if he was someone else." I say chuckling a littlest the last part.

"What was he saying to her?" Dad ask putting him fork down.

"Something about "there are bad men looking for you and he's one of them so go pack your things now." He said that yelling at her as she just looks at him pissed ready to snap at any moment but instead she walked off." I say as dad gets up from his chair and speed walks to his office.

"When you seen Carmen did she have on a necklace with a rose on it?" Mama ask anxiously.

"No why?" I say as her expression changes.

"No reason, but uhm Cameron, Ezra y'all need to head off to bed y'all have school tomorrow."she says grabbing our plates and putting them in the sink.

"Okay well good night mama." Cameron says as he goes and kisses her on the forehead.

"Good night cam." She says kissing him back on the forehead.

"Night mom, Night dipshit." Ezra says smacking me in the back off the head and running off.

"Hey mama what's so important about that necklace?" I as grabbing a bottle of water out the fridge.

"Uhm,I'll tell you about it tomorrow you need to go rest your arm." She says walking towards me.

But mama -

"Good night Diego." She says cutting me off as I start to get a little angry.

"Why can't you just tell me about the necklace what's so special about it and why does Carmen have it?" I question angry.

"DIEGO THAT IS ENOUGH NOW GO TO BED!" She yells angrily. Now I'm not the type to yell at my parents but if I just put my life at risk to my sister and your just worried about some stupid necklace I deserve answers, but if I wanted them I gonna have to get them myself.

"Good night mom." I say coldly as her expression changed, it was really Rare when I would call her mom and when I do it's because I'm mad.

I walk upstairs to my room and sit at my desk looking through files and recent pictures of Carmen, she had her necklace on in all of them. Why didn't she have it on today?

What so special about that necklace?

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