005~ sneaky

504 87 13

Carmen pov

A few hours before the plane landed I woke up and decided to do some paperwork on the guy I was interrogated.

Hm Diego Hernandez, Mexican mafia, oldest of 4 kids, son of Raymond and Amanda Hernandez,
His little sister was kidnapped at the age of 1 her name was Carmen. Hm we have the same name. She has blue eyes, dark brown hair and looks like her twin Cameron Hernandez she has a rose necklace the same as the mafia tattoo they got when she was kidnapped. Funny I have that same necklace.

"Carmen come here." Victor says as I get up and walk to the back of the plane where he was.

"Yes?" I ask as he hands me a file.

"You will be attending a private school for rich kids, one of my enemies kids go to this school and I want you to watch them." He says as I look through the file.

"Why does it say Carmen Hernandez my last name is Valentino?" I ask looking at the picture of my birth certificate.

"What give me that!" He says snatching the file from me and looking at the paper.

"They must have mixed up your file with that missing Hernandez girl." He says Hands the file back.

"Oh okay." I say start walking off and back to my seat.

"Oh and you start school in two days." He says as I nod my head and keep walking.

Okay so I'm going to a new school, that means I would be leaving Lorenzo behind, shit Lorenzo I didn't go to school today he's probably worried about me. I call Lorenzo and after one ring he answers.

Phone call
L- Lorenzo . C-Carmen

C- Hello

L- Where were you today ?

C- I had a late mission and didn't get back till this morning

L- Damnit you could've called me I was worried

C- sorry I was tired but I'm okay.

L- it's okay I'm just glad you're safe, are you okay you sound a bit off?

C- no uhm, enzo I need to tell you something!

L- what is it hermanita? You're scaring me.

C- Enzo I'm moving.

L- what! Where?

C- I... I don't know, but I'm going to a private school to spy on some kids for Victor.

L- I'm gonna miss you

C- I'm gonna miss you too Hermano.

L- if any of those kids give you trouble call me I will kill them.

C- I will.

L- don't forget about me

C- never your my best friend, my brother.

L- and your my sister even if you're not blood.

C- well I gotta go love you Hermano

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