017~ confirmed

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Time skip

I have a doctors appointment in 2 hours I still haven't taken any of the pregnancy tests I bought, what if I am pregnant my parents might kick me out and I'll have to raise the kid by myself, and I doubt Jaxson would want anything to do with it. I need to tell somebody.


Hey when are you gonna be here?-c

In about 30 minutes, why?-L

I have a really important doctors appointment and I don't want to go alone but I also don't want one of my family members to go with me.-C

Okay I'll go with you what times it at?-L


Okay I'll be there before then but why is this appointment so important?-L

I'll tell you when you get here-C

Okay see you soon princess;)-L


I really hope he understands

I get up out of my bed and walk to my bathroom to get ready. I don't put on a lot of makeup only on the spots I need to. I strained my hair and put on my clothes.

"Hello?" Lorenzo says walking to the bathroom where I am.

"Hey how was your flight?" I say giving him a hug.

"It was okay one of the flight attendants tried to poison me." He says as I pull away.

"Hm sounds like them they tried that on Diego." I say fixing my eyebrows.

"What's the doctors appointment about ?" He asks as I tense up a bit.

"Uhm I'll tell you after so I'm sure." I say putting all my makeup in the drawers.

"Come on we have to go." I say grabbing my purse and walking out my room with him trailing behind me.

"We're leaving we'll be back later." I say peeking my head through the door.

We walk outside to my car and head to the doctors office.

"Why'd didn't you just use your family doctor?" Lorenzo says as I stop at a red light.

"Because our family doctor will tell my family if there's something wrong with me and I don't want them to know about my personal problems." I say turning the corner.

"Why are we going this way?" He says

"Cause I need to tell you something extremely important." I say pulling up to an empty park.

I get out the car and walk over to the swings as Lorenzo follows me.

"What did you want to tell me?" He says as I start to think.

"Okay so you know how after you beat ja-Jaxson up?" I say looking at my fingers,

"Yeah why?" He says in a concerning tone.

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