011~ creep

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Ever since me and my "dads" argument I haven't talked to anyone and if I did they were just simple short words, soon I will be been attending a private school with my brothers they've been trying to get me to talk but I've been ignoring them the only person I talk to is Lorenzo but he left a few days ago so now we just FaceTime or he just listen to me complain about my shity life while crying as he threatens to kill Raymond for my life like this.

It was around 8:30 I was working on some files and talking about our next assassination . But instead we just told each other about our day.


My mom says she misses you since you were the only daughter she had- L

Well if I could escape this hell hole if a place I would be at your house right now- C

I want you to promise me something-L

Okay what is it-C

Promise me that if we're not in a relationship or married by 25 we would marry each other since we already know everything about each other-L

Okay I promise that I will marry Lorenzo Moretti by the age of 25 if I'm not in a relationship and become Carmen Moretti-C

Okay well I gotta go I'll call you later Mrs moretti-L

Okay bye mr moretti-C

Call ended

I hang up the phone and finish my file . After I finish I head downstairs to get a snack before I head back up to my room. Ezra and Diego had a few friends over since it was Friday mom said they could stay the night but as long as they don't bother me I don't care.

"Who's that?" I could hear one of them whisper as I walk to the kitchen.

"I don't know but she's pretty cute." Another guy says.

I walk to fridge and grab a bowl of grapes and head back to my room not saying a word to my brothers as they watch me. When I get to my room I set the bowl on my bedside table and go take a shower. During my shower I could hear my bedroom door open but I just thought it was the cleaning lady since she checks all our rooms on Friday's before she leaves for the weekend. I wash my hair and do everything else before getting out. I wrap myself up in a towel and walk to my closet so I could change into some more comfortable clothes. While I was in there I could hear a few hangers clicking together and sense someone watching me. I go through all my shirts acting like I was looking for a pacific shirt.

"AAHHH!" I scream as I come face to face with one of Ezra's friends from downstairs. I grab one of the spare guns I have in my closet and point it at him.

"GET OUT OF MY CLOSET NOW!" I yell as he listens. I open the door for him still pointing the gun at his head as I lead him downstairs to my brothers.

"Carmen I have company over leave us alone please." Ezra says not even looking at me.

"Well you might want to tell your company to stay the hell out of my room while I'm fucking changing!" I yell as everyone looks at me.

"Ezra tell the chick to put her gun down." He pleads as Ezra and Diego both get up.

"That chick is my sister." Diego says as the guys starts to turn pale.

"Y- your sister?" He says scared.

"Yeah and you know what you are perra, a dead man, correr!" I whisper as he takes off running. He's fast but not fast enough. I aim my gun right at his leg and shoot him.

"Ahhh!" He screams as I walk up to him.

"quédate fuera de mi habitación o la siguiente entre tus ojos!" I threaten him Putting pressure on his leg as I walk off back to the living room.

"Keep your friends out of my room." I say to Diego and Ezra before walking back upstairs to my room.

I change into i sports bra and some shorts before climbing into my bed and putting on some Netflix. Lorenzo said that needed to watch some show called manifest so that's what I decided to watch. By the time I get to season 2 my tv goes off and so do my lights. I could hear gunshots coming from downstairs and men yelling.

"Why can't I just have a normal life?" I groan as I get out of bed and quickly slip on my suit and gear.

I grab my weapons and my phone to message Cameron.


Hey what's going on are we under attack-C

Yeah where are you?- Cam

In my room where are

In mom and dads room-Cam

K I'll be there in a minute-C

Be safe-Cam



I will I promise-C

I open my bedroom door and quietly sneak out let's hope these people are ready for a nightmare. I run down the hall not making a sound as I look down at the 5 men attacking us.

All I need to do is take down the leader and get them all by themselves.quietly sneak downstairs and follow one of the guys walking to the backyard. I sneak up behind him and snap his neck before shooting him. 1 down 4 to go. I go back inside and follow another one as he rummages through the fridge. I shoot him in the chest as he falls to the ground.

"Damn it you got blood in my hair and on my quesadillas I was gonna eat that!" I whine as he bleeds out.2 down 3 to go.

I walk back upstairs to my room to find 2 guys in there going through my stuff. I shoot them both in the back of the head and take their guns.

"Damn it I just bought that rug." I say as one of them bleeds out getting blood on my rug.

Last one.

I walk around the house till I see a figure in my parents room pointing guns at them. I sneak up behind him and BAM BAM! Right in both shoulders.

"You know it's not nice to break into peoples houses." I say as the man drops his gun and turns around to look at me he had a mask on.

"Nightmare !" He says as I twirl my gun around.

"That's my name don't ware it out." I say. "Well it was nice talking to you but I have to go buy a new rug so bye." I shoot him right in the chest as he falls to the ground.

"Carmen." Cameron says as he runs up and hugs me.

"What the hell just happened?" Dad asks looking at me and my suit.

"I believe I just saved your ass." I say walking up to him.

"Who is that and why did he call you "nightmare?" Mom asks as I walk over to the man laying on the ground.

I take his mask off and I couldn't believe who it was.

You Trader!

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