010~ argument

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I grab my phone and unplug it from speaker as I walk up to them as they stare at me with hurt ness and sadness in their eyes even Lorenzo. One thing that caught me off guard was a hug.Ezra had hugged me. I stiffen up a little surprised by his actions.

"I'm sorry sorella." Was all he said before I hugged him back.

Ezras pov

After Carmen's nightmare I barely got any sleep. I may act like a bitch towards her but I try not to it's just hard having her back. I get out of my bed and walk downstairs to get a glass of water before I go to training I usually wake up around 6 but I wanted to sleep in.

On the way to kitchen I could faintly feel the vibration of something shaking the house. I follow it to the music room. I slowly open the door to see Carmen singing she had her eyes closed like it was just her and her music were the only things on earth. She has an amazing voice I don't know why she doesn't sing for us. The song she was singing had so much emotion in it but the sound of her voice you could hear the pain and sorrow she had deep down.

As she sings the next verse I could feel 5 presence behind me I didn't want to look behind me cause it felt like if I did I would loose her again. I didn't even realize I was crying until I the song was over and she stopped singing. She opened her eyes and looked scared like she had did something wrong. She walks to go unplug her phone and walks past us looking each of us in the eyes, before she could leave the room I did one thing I never expected to do. I hugged her she was stiff at first but then gave in.

I'm sorry sorella." Was I said before she hugged me back.

I could feel her tears drop onto my shoulder as we both cried. This was the first time I've cried since she was kidnapped.

Carmen pov

"Carmen what was that song called?" Diego asks as I let go of Ezra.

"Panic room. It was the only song I'd listen to when I was in my cell." I say as I look at everyone's expressions as they look at me with sadness in their eyes.

"Uhm I'm gonna go freshen up and I'll meet y'all downstairs for breakfast." I say as I walk past them and to my room as Lorenzo follows me.

"You let your wall down-

"Yeah I know and they probably saw right through me, and I should've known that the speaker's would make the house vibrate and now their probably gonna be asking me questions ." I interrupt him as I pace around my room.

"That's good so now you can tell them about yourself and how your an assassin." He says sitting down on my bed watching me.

"No it's not good I don't trust them like that I-

"Their your family Carm." He says standing up and grabbing me by my waist so I won't move.

"I need to think, tell them I won't be down for breakfast." I say as I get out of his grip and walk out my room.

I don't know where I'm going but it just has to be away from them. They might be my family but their hiding something, something big, and until I find out I won't be letting my wall down anytime soon. I walk through the back door and walk around the backyard. There's a huge pool with a slide, there's a batting cage, and a basketball court, bingo. I walk over to the court it had a big H painted in the middle I guess for Hernandez. I grab a ball off the rack and start with a few free throws, after a few of those I work on a few 3 pointers.

"Hey twin what cha doin?" Cameron asks walking up the court as I go in for a layup.

"Playing basketball." I reply dribbling up to the 3 point line.

"Oh well dad wants to talk to us about something he asked me to come and get you." He says pointing back at the house.

"Okay I'll be in in a second." I say as he nods and walks back to the house.

After a few more shots I put the ball away and walk back to the house. When I open the door I hear a lot of arguing and yelling i follow the voices to the kitchen and as soon as I walk in they stop. I walk in with an emotionless face and my wall up.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask dad as everyone's eyes follow me to my seat.

"Well we were wondering if you wanted to sell over your mafia and add it to ours since your now part of the Mexican mafia now ?" He says as everyone looks at me expecting me to say yes.

"No!" I say looking Raymond straight in the eyes as everyone looks at me in shock.

"No? You don't even know how to run a mafia your not old enough to understand the rules." He says getting a little frustrated.

"Thats where your wrong. You wanna know something Raymond, I'm one of the most feared people on earth, I know how to run a mafia, I know how to take down a mafia, and I damn sure don't have to be a certain age to. So try to take my mafia from me and you won't have yours!" I say ask I get up from my seat and walk out room.

"If you need me don't come looking for me cause I don't want to be found." I yell as I walk out the front door and to my car.

I drove around town not knowing where I was going but I just needed to get away from that wannabe family like I know they just got their precious little girl back but she's gone. Now you all you got is a broken teenage girl who has trust issues and hates her life. I continue driving around town till I get tired and head home, when I get there I open the door to hear a lot of yelling mainly Raymond.

"Since she doesn't want to be apart of this family she might as well not be!" Raymond yells

"Raymond she's our daughter she just has to get used to us!" Amanda yells back.

"She is not my daughter? my daughter was kidnapped, I don't know who she is but she is not my child!" He says as he finally turns around to see me standing there.

"You've been gone for 2 hours Where have you been!" He yells as I just look at him with tears in my eyes.

"Why do care I'm not your daughter!" I yell at him as he realizes that I heard everything.

"Carmen look that's not what I meant I-

"What was the point in me being here if I'm not family, like you said I'm not your daughter I'm just some random girl!" I yell as mom walks out the kitchen.

"You never loved you, the only person that actually made me feel loved other than Lorenzo was Victor, and he was more than a father than you will EVER BE!" I yell as I run up the stairs and to my room.

I didn't need him. I just want to go back home.

I want my old life back.

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