007~ family

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"Why?" Was the only thing I could say.

" oh please those files are fake." Victor says as Everyone looks at him while I look at the floor.

"Fake? you took my daughter from me and told her I was dangerous!" Raymond yells on the verge of ripping Victor head off as I think about what I just read.

My whole life was a lie. I was never Carmen Valentino. I was never Victor daughter. If Carmen Valentino it's real did I even exist. Who am I?

"I-I need some air." I say stumbling as i try to get up and walk out the door.

I walk to my car breathing heavy and driving back to the house. When I get there I go to the training room that usually where I go when I'm mad or bored. I grab some throwing knives and put a picture of me and Victor on the target and throw knives at it.

I can't believe I trusted you and let me think that you actually cared about me. BULLSHIT!" I grab a gun and start shooting at it while screaming more.

"PRINCESS? IM NOT YOUR PRINCESS YOUR PRINCESS IS DEAD. AND TO THINK THAT I LOOKED UP TO YOU AS A FATHER! AAAHHHHHHH!" I fall to the ground and finally start crying and breathing heavy.

"SHIT CARMEN!" Lorenzo says bursting through the door and running towards me.

"Enzo h-help ." I say as he in gulfs me into a hug.

"Listen to my heartbeat and breathe okay breathe." I do as he says but it's not working.

"Enzo it's not working help me." I cry as I start to panic more.

"I want you to count with me okay." He says as I nod my head.






We did this twice and soon enough I had calmed down and now I was pissed.

"Your brothers and parents are in the living room with Victor." He says as I get up and grab 2 guns and speed walk to the living room.

"VICTOR VALENTINO HERNANDEZ!" I yell loading the gun while walking to the living room.

"Run!" I whisper as he gets up off the couch and I start shooting.

"Carmen Valentino stop please I'm sorry!" He screams while running as I chase him.

"THERE IS NO MORE "CARMEN VALENTINO" SHES GONE!" I yell as I shoot him in both shoulders as he yells in pain.

"Carmen stop." Diego says as he runs up and grabs me so I can't move my arms.

"I HATE YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH! I FUCKING HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I yell at Victor as I thrash around in Diego's arms.

"Carmen calm down." Lorenzo says walking up and taking the guns away from me.

"I am now let me go." I say as I jab Diego in the ribs and walk upstairs to the game room. I walk over to the bar and pour me a few shots of vodka.

"Carmen stop you are not fixing to drink your problems away." Lorenzo says walking in and taking the vodka bottle away from me.

"Did you know?" I ask pulling out the other bottle.

"What?" He ask trying to take the other bottle but I pull it away.

"Did you know about Victor?" I ask this time looking at him.

"Yes I knew but I didn't want to tell you until I was sure I-

"Get out!" I say as he looks at me confused.


"I said GET OUT!" I yell throwing a shot of vodka at him.

"Hermanita please let me explain." He begs whipping the vodka off his suit.

"I'm not your fucking sister now leave!" I say as he nods.

"Tell Raymond and Amanda to come here." I say before he leaves the room.

A few minutes later I'm almost drunk when Amanda and Raymond walk in.

"Carmen?" Raymond asks I walk over to them.

"We need to talk about how my life is going to be now." I ask stumbling to a chair.

"Well your gonna live with us in California." He says looking at Amanda than me.

"Is that a demand or a choice?" I ask as they both look at me.

"Demand, most mafias already know that we found you so their probably gonna try to come take you." He says as I sit up in my chair.

"I'll pass." I say taking another swig of the vodka as Diego walks into the room with another drug.

"Put the drug down." I say as he walks towards me.

"Look I may be drunk but I'm not that drunk now put the damn drug down before I shoot you." I say pulling out my gun and pointing it at him.

"Either the drug or you come with us." Raymond says as I point my gun back and forth between the two.

"Enough! Raymond, Diego go wait outside." Amanda yells as the men listen and leave.

"Carmen put the gun down." She says as I hesitate but listen to her.

"Why is my life so messed up why can't I just be normal?" I say letting a few tears slip.

"Look mija I'm sorry for what Victor did to you but we are trying to help keep that from happening again , we are your family and we would never want you to go through that again, we love you." She says walking up to me as I drop my gun and start crying.

"I love you okay we all do and have since the day you and your brother were born And we were all angry and sad when we found out about Victor taking you Diego shut us out, Cameron was depressed, and Ezra was trying I cheer us up and giving us hope even though he was hurting on the inside, we all love you, I love you ." She says crying a little.

"Mama." I say as I go up and hug her as we both crying. I don't know if I can trust the rest of them but I know I can trust her.

"Come on let's go home." She says as I nod my head and walk with her to the door. When we open the door the first thing I see was Ezra and Cameron being chased by kilo my dog.

"KILO!" I yell as he stops running and walks upstairs to me.

"I'll help you pack you some clothes and we get the rest flown over tomorrow." Mama says as we walk to my room with kilo following behind us.

Once we get to California I will no longer be Carmen Valentino. I will be Carmen alexia Hernandez. Also known as the most dangerous assassin in the world.


My new life (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now