021~ DINNER!

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"My mom said dinner will be ready in a few minutes so we can start heading down there." Lorenzo says playing with my hair.

" how do we tell your parents we're dating?" I ask as he sighs.

"You can excuse yourself to go to the bathroom but really just walk to the front door and ring the doorbell, then I'll go answer it and introduce you as my beautiful, smart, gorgeous, girlfriend." He explains giving me a kiss on the head.

"Okay do I need to dress up for this dinner or can I keep what I have on?" I ask as he looks me up and down.

"I honestly don't know but since I'm wearing a suit you should match me." He says as I get up and go through my suitcase looking for a dress.

"It's not like a fancy fancy dinner?" I ask pulling out multiple dresses at a time.

"I don't know, Andrew invited one of his friend and his family and his parents are a big deal to my dad so I guess it's fancy." He says getting up and walking to his closet.

I grab a dress and put it on it wasn't too revealing and I liked the way it hugged my curves. It had one long sleeve it was fancy but not too fancy.

 It had one long sleeve it was fancy but not too fancy

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I curled my hair and put on some light makeup.

"You look gorgeous mi amor." Lorenzo says walking into the bathroom with his suit on and a lopsided tie.

"Thank you and you would look more handsome if your tie wasn't crooked and your jacket was on." I say turning around to fix his tie while he rests his hands on my hips.

"I like this dress you should wear it more often." He says looking down at me as I finish his tie.

"Maybe I should." I say walking over and bending down to pick up my shoes.

"Maybe we can skip dinner." He says coming up behind me and kissing my neck.

"No Lorenzo, we still have to tell your family about us and I don't want them finding out through the walls in the house." I say fighting the urge to give in.

"Fine." He pouts as I put my heels on. I take one last look in the mirror before walking downstairs with Lorenzo.

"Carmen you look gorgeous." Valentina says walking over to us.

"Thank you and you look lovely as well." I say back. We all walk to the dining room and take a seat across from us were 3 empty seats I guess for Andrew friend.

"Enzo I can't wait to meet your girlfriend." His mom says excited.

"You have a girlfriend?" Antonio asks confused.

"Yep and she's amazing." He says as I blush a little.

"Guys I would like to introduce the Hamilton's." Andrew says as we all get up and turn around. No. Why is he here.

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