020~ email

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I don't know how long I was asleep for but when I woke up I was hungry and cranky.

"I'm hungry!!!" I whine as Lorenzo pulls out 2 backpacks full of snacks since he doesn't trust the flight attendants anymore.

"Do you want, pretzels, pickles,Oreos, chips? What are you craving?" He asks pulling food out.

"I don't know what the babies hungry for I can't read minds!" I snap as he puts the snacks away.

"How about this. My mom probably has something cooked at the house for us to eat, but until then how about you snack on some grapes. does that sound okay with you?" He ask as I take the grapes from him and nod my head.

"How long until we land?" I ask as he looks at his phone.

"30 minutes and then a 45 minute drive to my parents house." He says as I add up the time in my head 1 hour and 15 minutes which means we'll get arrive there at about 10:20.

"Has Raymond set a new date for the mafia ball?" I ask as he checks his phone.

"Well since you left the ball has been canceled and Ezra texted me that Diego is thinking about moving out since he also doesn't want to be apart of a family that cares more about work than their kids.Cameron is currently drunk in the game room ,and Ezra's trying to keep your aunts and uncles from killing your parents ."
He says reading the messages Ezra sent him.

Wow! Diego's moving, Cameron's drunk, and my family wants to kill each other. I guess we're all copping in our own way.I'm really lucky I got away from there alive.


The plane had finally landed I really needed to get some fresh air. We got our stuff and put it in the back of the car, put the dogs in the backseat, and make our way to the house.

"My brothers might be at work with my father but I'm pretty sure Andrew or Luca might be home ." He says stopping at a red light.

"Isn't Andrew supposed to be in college?" I asks as chuckles.

" his dumbass threw 3 parties and flooded his dorm all in the first week so they kicked him out." He says laughing. Sounds like Andrews still the same.

We continue talking about his family until we arrive at the house,looks bigger than I remembered, I guess two months has been awhile.The guards took our bags and other parked my car in a safer spot.

"Merci." I say as the guard nods his head in response.

"Come on let's get you inside." Lorenzo says holding my hand and leading me inside. There was music playing and clattering of objects coming from the kitchen.

"I thought you only baked on Saturday?" He says as his mother turns around.

"Oh mon Dieu Lorenzo you scared me w- what are you doing here your early?" She says as he hugs her causing him to get flour on him.

"Well we had a small minor problem and decided to come early." He says as she looks back at me.

"Carmen I missed you so much it's been so lonely being the only girl putting up with all these men." She says hugging. I try not to let her touch my bump since I starting to show.

"Well you won't be the only one here anymore for a while." I say as she chuckles.

"And look at you, you look gorgeous, you've grown up to be a beautiful young woman, your boyfriend is a very lucky man ." She says as Lorenzo smirks.

"Very lucky since I'm way hotter than him." I say smirking at Lorenzo.

"We'll just know that if things don't work out between the two of you, you can always date my son." She says looking over at Lorenzo.

"Oh I don't think Luca's my type." I tease as she chuckles.

"Oh please I'm everyone's type." Luca says walking into the kitchen.

"Than why are you still single?" Lorenzo asks as Luca walks to the fridge.

"It's not like you have a girlfriend either." He snaps back.

"Not that y'all know of." Lorenzo mumbles under his breath as his mom looks at him.

"What did you just say?" Luca asks walking towards him.

"What do you mean?" He says playing dumb.

"What you just said a second ago." His mother asks as he thinks.

"I said what do you mean."he says as I giggle with my hand over my mouth.

"What secret girlfriend Lorenzo!" His mom asks sternly demanding an answer.

"How about I introduce you to her at dinner tonight?" He asks she thinks about it.

"Fine but she better not be one of those girls from across the street." She says waving a finger at him.

"Don't worry." He says. "She's much closer than that." He whispers.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and answer a few emails." I say as Valentina (his mom) nods. I walk upstairs and head to my room across the hall from Lorenzo's. I don't know why they put my bags in my room, I always end up sleeping in Lorenzo room when I stay over. I grab my laptop and sit on his bed, most of the emails were from other mafias, package deliveries, assassin deals, Victor, wait Victor!

"What does he want?" I say to myself as I open the email.

"Hey Carmen it's me, I know you probably don't want anything to do with me anymore but just know that I'm here for you, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up sometime? It's okay if your still mad at me and don't want to. But if you do, you have my number." -Victor

"He wants to meet up. He isn't mad at me. Should I respond back? Do I ignore him? No don't ignore him he's your dad, stepdad. Ugh what do I do?" I say to myself pacing around the room. What do I do? What do I say him? I mean I want to talk to him but I'm scared. Carmen you need to calm down your putting to much stress on you and the baby.

"Mi amor are You okay? What's wrong?" Lorenzo asks walking into the room as I stop and look at him.

"Victor emailed me." I say as he grabs my laptop and reads the email.

"What do I do?" I panic and start pacing again.

"You meet up with him." He says setting my laptop back down.

"What do you mean "You meet up with him?" He hurt me-

"No Raymond hurt you. Victor disciplined you. Big difference." He interrupts me. I didn't like what he said, but he was right. Victor disciplined me cause I needed it. Raymond hurt me to take away my power and make him feel good about himself.

"Fine but you have to come with me." I say walking back over to the bed.

"Of course I'm coming with you. I'm not leaving my pregnant girlfriend alone with her semi evil
dad/stepdad." he says in a duh tone as I write Victor back.

Hey Victor sure we can meet up but I'm bringing Lorenzo with me, I'm currently in France but when I'm back in Russia we can, I'll message you when I return .-Carmen

I click send and shut my laptop.

I'll see you soon Victor Valentino!

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