014~ "TALK!"

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I walk with Lorenzo to Raymond's office and take a seat in one of the lounge chairs while Lorenzo took the other. I was honestly scared my wall was down, my legs were shaking and my breathing increased.

"So what do you want to "talk" about?" I ask as Raymond takes a glass of vodka and sits in his chair.

"You or your codename . . .nightmare." He says as I start to tense up.

"I think it's been a long day and Carmen's tired so we should just-

"I'm talking to my daughter Lorenzo so if you would just sit there quietly that would be great or you can leave." He says interrupting Lorenzo. Lorenzo wasn't the type of person you would want to interrupt he has a short temper just like me and right now he was on the verge of exploding.

"Now Carmen I would like to know about nightmare." He says as I fiddle with my fingers.

"I don't really want to talk about that right now, I have some work that needs to be taken care of." I respond not looking at him.

"It wasn't a question!" He says more sternly as Lorenzo knuckles turn white from gripping the arm chairs loosing his patience.

"If I tell you I'm telling my brothers too?" I say my slowly gaining confidence back.

"No!" He says as i look him dead in the eyes, he's hiding something.

"Well then I'm not telling you shit!" I say getting up from seat as Lorenzo looks at the floor bouncing his leg.

"EITHER YOU TELL ME OR YOU CAN LEAVE!" He yells getting up from his seat.

"WHY DO YOU WANT KNOW SO BADLY !" I yell back slowly loosing my Patience.

"You want to know why? So that after you tell me everything I can train my boys to me just like you but more stronger so they can take you down and ruin you and your shity mafia!" He says walking towards me as Lorenzo gets up and stands in between us.

"Move or I will have you moved!" Raymond says as Lorenzo grabs my wrist and leads me out the office.

"You will not be staying her with that fucking bitch who knows what he's gonna do to you get your stuff your coming with me." He says opening my bedroom door and and walking to my closet.

"Lorenzo stop!" I say as he grabs some of my clothes not listening to me.

"I'm not leaving." I say putting the clothes back in my closet.

"Carmen do you not see what he's trying to do." He says walking up to me angry.

"I can take care of myself and if you can't see that you can leave." I say as he walks out the door not looking back. Lorenzo he as never acted like this before I don't know why he is now. I pick the clothes up off my floor when I hear yelling. Lorenzo yelling. I go downstairs to see him yelling at some boy while Diego holds him back.

"JAXSON!" I yell running downstairs to him laying on the ground. He had a busted lip and a broken nose. Now i was really mad.

"shit Jax what happened." I say helping him up and onto the couch.

"I don't know he was saying something about how you would never love him because you're caught up on some piece of shit like me." He says laying his head back.

"Okay Uhm if you go to the kitchen you can get some ice out of the freezer and use it for your lip and then I'll be in there to help you with your nose." I say as he gets up walks to the kitchen. I watch him walk to the kitchen and close the door before I get up and grab Lorenzo by his hair and drag him outside.

"I don't know what has gotten into you but you are NOT going to walk into my house and talk to my family any kind of way cause your in a bad mood and you most certainly aren't going to beat up one of my friends and talk shit behind my back. You are so lucky a little part of me still loves you or else you would be in a cell at my warehouse. NOW LEAVE and I don't ever what to see you in both of my mafia territory again!" I say as he looks at me for a while then walks to his car.

I walk back inside and go to the kitchen to help Jaxson when I get there all my brothers are in there with him laughing and talking. They continued talking till I walked over to Jaxson with a first aid kit. I clean up the blood on his lip and around his nose trying not to hurt him as he looks me in my eyes.

"Hey Diego can you call Antonio and tell him I need him over here." I say as he nods. Antonio was our mafia doctor he worked for us and took care of us.

"Who's that?" Jaxson asks as I start to put stuff away.

"He's a family friend and a doctor I want him to check out your nose." I say as he nods.

"Hey Carm your phone is ringing." He says as I look at the number.

"Will you answer it for me?" I say walking to the freezer and getting some ice.

"Hello this is the Hernandez residence how may I help you?" He says answering the phone as I chuckle a little bit.

"Yes she is right here." He says as I look at him.

"It sounds important." He says as I take the phone.

"Hello?" I say as Jaxson watches me.

"What do you mean?"

"Where is he?"

"Find him!"

"Watch what you say to me!"

"I'll be there tomorrow morning and if you haven't found anything you're fired!" I say hanging up the phone as my brothers and Jaxson look at me with concerned looks.

"Is everything alright?" Cameron asks taking a bite of his rice krispy treat.

"No but I have others things to worry about but until I get things sorted out the house is on lockdown, only people we know are aloud in." I say as my brothers watch me walk to the front door as I let Antonio in.

"Okay who am I hear to see?" He says following me to the kitchen.

"M-me." Jaxson says hesitantly as Antonio walks over to him.

"Boys can I talk to you?" I say as they nod and follow me to Diego's office.

"Carmen what happened?" Ezra asks as I close the door.

"Victor got out!" I say as all my brothers look at me in shock.


Who let him out?

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