009~ nightmare

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For the rest of the flight I listen to music and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't . When we landed there were a whole lot of cars and a man.

It was him.

How did he get here?

I got off the plane and ran to him as he picks me up and hugs me.

"Lorenzo what are you doing here how'd you get here?" I ask as he puts me down.

"At first I came to apologize but now I'm here to beat Ezra's ass!" He says glaring at Ezra.

"You don't have to my mom already handled that." I say as we start walking to my car.

"Keys.I'm driving." He says holding his hand out as I hand him the keys and get in the passenger seat.

"I can drive you know that right." I say as I buckle my seatbelt. The boys didn't ride with us they road with Diego so they could "talk" to Ezra about what he did.

"I know but you need sleep." He says as we start driving.

"But I'm not tIRed." I lie as a yawn escapes my mouth. Lorenzo looks over to me with that " I told you so" look on his face.

"Okay maybe just a little nap." I say ask I lay my head down on the window and fall asleep.

I don't know how long I'd asleep for but when I woke up I was in a bed with a blanket laid on top of me. The room was dark but had three big windows lit up by the moon light. I climb out of the bed and walk downstairs and to the kitchen.

"Nice to see your awake sleepy head." Cameron says as everyone looks at me.

"How'd you sleep?" Lorenzo asks taking a sip of his drink as I pull up a chair beside him.

"Great for once. How long was I asleep?" I ask resting my head on his shoulder.

"About 4 hours." He says I take a sip of his drink, scotch, i didn't think Lorenzo drank scotch.

"What time is it?" I ask as he looks at his watch,

"About 11:00." He says as I get up and get a water from the fridge.

"How long are you staying?" I ask as I go sit back down.

"Two days." He says taking another sip of his drink.

"Good." I whisper as I lay my head back on his shoulder and slowly fall back asleep.

I could feel someone lift me up and carry me upstairs laying me down in my bed and pulling the sheets up to my chest.

"Good night mon amour." Lorenzo says as he kisses me on the forehead before walking out my room .

I thought Maybe tonight I'll actually sleep. Damn was I wrong.


I'm sorry I didn't mean to kill her I'm sorry please let me go. Please. I cried as Victor locked me in cell 415 that was my cell when I would do one bad little thing and I would get locked up.

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