~002~ who are you?

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Carmen pov present

I was sitting in my room exhausted after coming home from a 4 day mission and being jet lagged.

"How was the mission?" My dad says walking into my room.

"It was okay, there weren't as many people as I expected, but there was enough." I say turning my head so that I'm facing him.

"Well I need my little assassin to come help me with an interrogation at the warehouse." He says leaning up against the doorframe.

"Papa im tired." I yawn as he starts to walk towards me.

"Come on get up it'll only take a second and then you can go get some rest." He says grabbing my hands and pulling me up off my bed.

"Fine." I groan as I get up and walk out the door.

We arrive at the warehouse and everyone is quiet as they look at my already bloody suit and gloves from my mission.

"Is it another Mexican mafia worker?" I ask as two assistants open the door for us.

"We don't know that's why I need your help to find out." Papa says grabbing two files and handing one to me.

"Is that him?" I ask pointing to one of the guys tied up in a chair with his head hanging low.

"Yes." Papa says as I walk off towards the room.

"Hello my name is Carmen and I'm gonna ask you a few questions and I want honest answers or I'm gonna have to hurt you, okay." I say walking around the man so I could see his whole body.

"First question. Who are you?" I ask as he mumbles something under his breath.

"Speak up or I'm gonna have to hurt." I say as he looks up at me a shocked look on his face.

"Who are you?" I ask again but this time grabbing him by the shirt collar and stabbing him in the shoulder.

"Okay Carmen I think that enough." Papa says pulling me out of the room as the guy eyes me down.

"But papa I didn't even do anything." I say walking with him to a different room.

"Carmen that's enough now go home and pack your things. NOW!" He says as I just stand there and look at him confused .

"Why?" I ask as he looks down at me with a new emotion I've never seen before. Fear.


I walk off  and run out of the warehouse to one of the cars and drive home. Why do theses "bad men" want me? Like I know I'm the leader of the Russian mafias daughter ,and a highly trained assassin, but why not the American mafia they have 2 daughters go kidnap one of them, and I don't who the hell he was raising his voice at, he's lucky he's my dad or I would've cursed him out so badly.

I arrive at the house and go pack two suitcases worth of clothes, another full of my favorite shoes, and a bag  of my other things.

"CARMEN HURRY!" Papa yells from downstairs.

"OKAY IM COMING!" I yell back as two men come in and grab my bags.

I run downstairs and papa rushes me into a car and off we went. Where? I don't know.

"Papa where are we going?" I ask as he aggressively texts on his phone.

"Don't call me that!" He says frustrated, not looking up from his phone.

"okay ." I say turning away and facing the window clenching my fist.

What was happening? Why was papa well Victor all of sudden mad at me? Why did that guy I was interrogating look extremely like me?
I had so many questions just none of them will ever be answered at the right time.

I put my AirPods in as Victor yells on the phone in Russian thinking I didn't understand but I don't care my life is already shity enough. about 45 minutes into the drive I fall asleep dreaming about why we had to go? why Victor looked so scared to see that guy? Why that guy looked like me?

I woke up an hour later to Victor yelling at me to wake and hurry up and get on the plane. I did what I was told and sat in the middle row by the window and went back to sleep.

I have a feeling that my life is gonna get a lot more WORSE!

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