The proposal I

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Sid smiled to himself seeing monami wrapped herself in the blanket like a kid. Sid suppressed his excitement and turned to the other side and dozed off.

It was morning.

And Monami had made it to a point to ignore him..while sid was constantly trying to irritate her and get her attention.

Sid took his shower and wrapped himself in a towel. He got out of the bathroom and took his clothes

Monami was getting ready and was applying her mascara to her eyes. Sid came in from the bathroom and wrapped himself in the towel and took another towel and started scrubbing his hair with it. He saw himself in the bathroom mirror Hot toh tu hai... He warded off his own eyes with pride. Ek minute, par kya Monu yeh hotness handle kar payegi.Hmm. He kept his hand on the wash basin and neared the mirror... tumne successfully Avoid to kiya hai mujhe..par kya yeh hotness ko avoid kar payegi..ehhhahahha.. and let out his devil laugh. Monami tu to gayi. He tightened the grip of his towel around his waist flaunting his little ABS that were not there. Long story short, sid always wanted a physique to woo girls but how much ever he tries.. the moment he sees the food all his resolutions and his desire for Abs go down the drain and he follows the same cycle, but today he was confident he would woo his wife. His wife!! The thought of His Monu being his wife excited him to the core.

Sid walked out of the room half-naked from the top and kept on whistling. He wanted to sound cool in front of her. Monami was getting ready on her dressing table and saw him..and first, she was caught off guard at his sight..after he looked nothing less than a geek God. She immediately averted her eyes, when sid saw her. Sid just felt a tingle down his heart, after all his tricks were working. He wanted to continue the cool image...and neared her from her back.

Monu saw sid nearing her in the mirror she did want to ignore him, but how could she ...she still closed her so that his attractive visuals would deter her annoyance and irritation.

Sid saw her close her eyes and avert her gaze as he approached her and immediately turned to his left. Monami who was closing her eyes and waiting for an intimate moment heard the sound of the almirah and opened her eyes in so much frustration, while sid happily smirked and giggled inside a half-open cup board, He just wanted now to improvise and impress her.. so he started to to whistle again..

He took her proposal dress that she was wearing yesterday and whistling he neared her. This time Monami knew there was not going to be a romantic moment as sid never knew and she thought he was never going to meet his expectation so ignored him completely.

Sid on the other hand was ramp walking with her suit in hand and whistling and nearing the idea that she is getting impressed..( This boy I tell you!!)

Sid neared her and leaned towards her ear.. making her heart thump.He slowly shook his head that the water from his curly hair fell on her face irritating her more...SSSSSIIIIIIDDDDD!!!!! She yelled.But sid was in in in no mood of backing off, he kept his other hand on her shoulders.The wet hands wetted her dress too.But for sid,,,, he was oblivious of poorly he was failing at the moment.

Haa.Monami. He huskily replied and turned his face at her suddenly like a TV actress...Frightening her making her move back two inches.Sid wanted to act cool so he tried to whistle.

He wanted to whistle but only Air came out of his mouth as he was so mesmerised in her beauty ...He kept leaning forward and she leaning backwards..without uttering a word..For the moment their Sid monmai got lost in each other's eyes . Sid was leaning forward so much that monami too leaned backwards and the chair toppled to the side and they both fell on one another..

Monami got all irritated and wanted to get up, but sid was not in the mood to let her off..he gently took her hands and made her laid down facing her and without averting his gaze from her gently removed the chair on her and laid down on her. Monami's eyes widened feeling hiss body all over hers..and the sight infront of her..Man!! she did not want to blink her eyes..He was gorgeous , now he understood why he was an heart throb in their college.

She stared at his body without batting an eye blatantly...Sid gently lowered his chin to her face..and just blew some air to her ears..making her tingle and look the other way.. He smiled seeing her blush..He neared her ears...and she could feel his breathe on her ears on the sides of her chin making her go all tingly down the stomach.....She closed her eyes in ecstasy and was waiting eargerly to hear those words from him that she was dying to say...

Sid gently whispered I ... a smile crpet on monmai's face as she heard his husky voice in her ears..Sid too paused to see and capture her beautiful face.. I he whispered again huskily into her ears... I ... Monami to repeated with closed eyes keeping her hands on his naked shoulders..and started rubbing it ..She wanted to hear it already..She just wanted to be his at the moment and She could not help but wait for him to say the two more words.. Sid saw her hands on his body and blushed too..He too wanted badly to be hers .. He now pushed his body closer to hers ,making her moan and enjoy a little..and he whispered again... I wish ...Monami smiled Itna lengthy kyon bolna..I wish just say Love you na she thought in her head and smiled as her heart beat fast every second...just to hear it from him... Sid continued to whisper..I wish you could wear this dress today also..Yesterday you were looking so beautiful..We are going on a dinner Sid said in one go and got up and threw the dress on her..suprising and irritating her..even more..

Monami was too shocked to speak she slowly got up and threw the dress at his face ..I am not coming She said and stormed out of the room..

Sid wanted to stop but before sid could speak a word Monami had left the room in jiffy..

Sid held his forehead.. yaaaarrrrrrrr.... He fell on the bed.. yeh pyaar karna itna difficult kyun hai..itna romantically tih diya tha maine who dress...He unwanatedly sat .. Ab pehnegi nahi..toh..aayegi kahan se..Aageyi nahi toh propse kaise karegi...??!?She always wanted to do it first na...Sha..

They both went to the hospital...Sid also tried to talk but her one death glare was enough to silence him..

During Shifts also Sid did not get the courage as whenever he saw her it was like she would burn him and make fried chicken and would much and devour him..

Sid to himself .. Propose toh tu hi karegi..jaise tu chahthi hai waise...In that dress in that decorations...aur vo bhi Aaj hi...You will have your dream propsal Wifey!! He said to himself as he had got an idea..


What is he planning??

Next part pakka...

What do you think of this hopeless sid??

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