Chapter 26- Abrupt awakening

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The world was black from what you saw; a silhouette of what could only be defined as hell itself. You were only aware of one of your senses, and it was a feeling of unnatural pain that gave you that conclusion as you lay...somewhere...but where exactly were you?

You were unable to see anything, and your body ached too much to move. A sudden noise echoed throughout the space around you, and your ears easily picked up the sound and brought it to your attention. What the sound really was, or what it came from, was unclear to you.

It was a strange aura that filled both you and the room. It almost made your presence feel altered, like you weren't really there. There wasn't a very great way of describing how the moment continued on.

Ever so slowly, light began to fill the area, and you were instantly able to see that you were on the ground, staring up at what looked to be the roof of a cave. There were stalactites hanging above you, and the tips of each one would surely pierce right through you if they were to fall. 

Were you still in the studio? How far down were you?

Despite both the questions and the pain, you managed to stand upright and hold your ground. You looked around and realized that you were alone, standing on some sort of metal slipway that allowed boats to emerge and retreat from the water. wasn't exactly water.

"Is this the river?" You asked yourself, taking a slow step towards the ramp where the boats slid into the wide body of ink. You turned around to look behind you, and there was a hallway; most of it seemed to be flooded, and there were a few wooden planks to walk across. Who knows where the hallway led to, but that wasn't your main concern. Ink began to creep along the walls, and it was coming from the hallway. You knew that dark had seen it when you first stepped into the studio.

The owner of the aura had learned to control it over time, so it wasn't constantly there when you were traveling through the studio...But meant that you weren't alone here in this odd place.

Sure enough, Bendy stepped out of the hallway. He looked no different from how you had seen him just moments before all of this happened. His smile had grown to be heartwarming, but there was something off about it now.

"Bendy? W-What happened?" You asked him, confused with where you were and why he was acting so...calm... The more you looked at him, the more you started to notice how unsettling his presence was. He wasn't acting like his normal self.

The demon approached you, and the dark aura disappeared from around him when he stopped in front of you. "What do you mean, (y/n)!? I brought you here, as you requested!" He spoke with the same, stiff smile he had forced upon his face when the two of you met. Now you were even more unsettled. If you had really been mauled in that hallway before you blacked out, then how did you end up here? Surely Bendy would have been concerned about all of that, but here he was, acting as if it had never happened.

"What? I-I'm talking about the hallway, Bendy." You told him, tilting your head up.

"You're talking about the millions of hallways in this studio." Bendy chuckled, his grin growing as his head leaned down closer to yours. "You're one silly girl, (y/n). The answers are right in front of you and you're still thinking about hallways~" He continued.

What he said to you didn't seem to make sense in your mind. What was he talking about? Why is he pretending to know nothing of what had happened?

"Answers?" You questioned, looking at him again with confusion written all over your face.

"The river, my dear~ You've been confusing yourself too much to notice." He replied, his arm slipping around you to pull you closer as he turned your head to the expanse of ink a few feet from you with a claw. "It's taught us all a thing or two." He finished in a low voice, sending an uneasy shiver up your spine.

You could hear faint whispers emanating throughout the rippling ink, like thousands of lost souls drifted away in the tides.

The river...speaks?

"We all have a little title we gave to the river. I suppose it's deserving of the name, considering all that it contains..." Bendy suddenly added, grinning down at the thick ink. "We call it, the River of Sin."

"The R...River of Sin?..." You repeated, your eyes widening at the thought of what he just told you.

What it contains...What does this thing contain!?

Bendy turned his head to you, his already eerie grin stretching even wider. "Oh, it sounds much less threatening when it comes out of your mouth~" He purred, "But maybe you shouldn't speak of such things anymore. You are the only pure thing left in this place~" 

His claws slowly gravitated up and grabbed onto your face, holding onto you almost like he was examining your features.

"B-But I'm not pure, Ben-"

The ink demon harshly covered your mouth with his gloved hand, his face now inches from yours. "Darling...Compared to the rest of us, yes, you are." His voice was more of a rough growl now, and it seemed as though he was trying to hold back a shroud of agitation. The whole conversation was weird and creepy, but there was nothing you could do.

He stared at your face for a moment, glancing back between your expression and the edge of the riverbank. You were beginning to think that maybe this wasn't real. It didn't feel real, and Bendy certainly wouldn't be acting like this if it was.

"What has gotten into you?" You asked worriedly, removing his hand from your mouth.

He let out a small laugh, inching even closer to you. There was hardly any room for you to move between him and the river. "Nothing at all, (y/n), I am just the same."

"N-No, you're not! You're acting weird, and I don't like it!" You snapped, pulling yourself out of his grasp. "You aren't the Bendy I love..."

Now the demon was starting to look a little upset, like your being suspicious had offended him. "You are confusing yourself...I am the ink demon!" He roared, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you right back to him. His grin was now turned upside down into a menacing snarl, and his claws were merciless on your skin. 

Disregarding the pain you were feeling in your arm, you knew that Bendy didn't speak of himself to you using the words, "Ink demon". This couldn't have been Bendy. You struggled against the demon as his grip grew tighter, cutting off the circulation entirely.

"Let me go!" You screamed, prying at his claws desperately.

The toon began to laugh maniacally, sending waves of terror throughout your body. "My sweet, sweet (y/n)~" He cooed, gazing right into your horrified eyes.

"I won't ever let you go~" He sneered with a smirk, yanking his arm off to the side and releasing your arm. The force he used was more than enough to throw you out a few feet, and you plunged into the river with a shriek.

"You, and all these pathetic souls, are stuck with me for all of eternity~"

Bendy X Reader- River Of SinWhere stories live. Discover now