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Standing before me is a fallen angel, looking at me with his amber eyes. He caressed my cheek, making my breathing uneasy.

"Aether," he called. His voice was music to my ears.

He pinned me to the nearest wall and brushed his lips against my ear. I gasped in surprise.

"Enjoying it?" he whispered.

"Xiao." I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned forward.

"Kiss me."

He licked his bottom lip and cupped my chin. "With pleasure."

I felt butterflies when his lips met mine. The kiss was gentle and lingering, filled with warmth and passion.

I don't want this moment to end until someone splashes me with cold water, waking me up from my dream.


As my vision started to clear, seeing the person in front of me with a bucket in her hand was an eye rash.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty," she said, evilly smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes and covered my face with a pillow, trying to go back to sleep. But my sister wrestled me to death and won. "Don't even try to, bro. We're going to be late if you do."

"Can you at least give me five minutes?" I pleaded, groaning.

She raised an eyebrow. "Why? So, you could finish your sweet dream with your crush?"

I blushed and grabbed a pillow to throw it across her face. "Shut up!"

She has better reflexes than me. So, of course, she dodged it and stuck her tongue at me. "You missed."

"Whatever. Can you please leave me alone now?"

"Fine. But breakfast is already ready, so prepare your ass for school if you don't want to be late," she said before leaving the room.

Getting up from bed is hard. I hate it when morning arrives because that means no more visiting Xiao in my dreams.

I slapped my face to wake myself up and fixed my bed before dragging my ass towards the bathroom to take a cold shower.

Cold water ran through my body and was about to take away the heat from me, yet for some reason, it was warm, as if someone cuddled me from behind, making me cozy in the embrace.


I was startled when Xiao suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Let's finish what we left earlier." He licked and nibbled my ear, which tingled from his warm touch.

"You like that?" Hun, the word 'like' is an understatement of what you just did.

I was so frustrated that my dream was interrupted earlier. I didn't get the chance to fully enjoy our kiss. But now, it's destiny.

He circled his arms around my tiny waist and lifted my chin up, prompting me to close my eyes.

But I was disappointed when he just kissed the tip of my nose.

"How cute," he muttered.

"Don't tease me."

He smirked and pressed his soft lips against mine. Every sensation was perfect.

He took a step forward, pressing my back against the hard wall. He deepened the kiss, making me moan with pleasure.

The kiss felt urgent, leaving me breathless and craving for more. I don't want it to stop.


A loud scream sent me back to reality. Can you at least give me the chance to enjoy it, even if it's just in my head?

I groaned and twisted the handle, turning off the water. I did my morning routines and effortlessly braided my hair because I wasn't in the mood to make an effort.

I took a one-time glance in the mirror before going down to the kitchen.

Lumine already looked impatient, with her legs crossed, sitting on a chair.

"Bitch, you took longer than a girl would prepare."

"I don't care," I said, before sitting down beside her and taking a bite of the sticky honey roast.

She gently flicked my forehead. "Can you not daydream about Xiao for once?"

"No! It's my duty to visit him in my dream world."

She rolled her eyes. "Good luck with that. Did you tell him how you feel yet?"

I sighed. "I did, twice. But he'd think it was a joke or he'd ignore it."

"It's not your fault. You two have been best friends for years."

"But, my intentions are so obvious that I want us to be more than just friends, yet he was dense to see that. So! I came up with a perfect plan."

She raised an eyebrow. "Which is?"

"I will make him fall for me, and when he does, he will confess his love to me."

"No shit."

"What? I can do it!" She went silent and drank her coffee instead.

Xiao is my best friend and my first love. It was six years ago when we went on a family vacation to Liyue and saw the famous lantern rite.

We checked into a hotel called Wanshu Inn. People said that the balcony has an amazing view for sightseeing, and it's true; you could see the whole nation from there.

However, what caught my eye was a small boy wearing a sleeveless hoodie with a unique purple diamond mark on his forehead.

I stood beside him. I couldn't help but sneakily glance in his direction. He has a gorgeous, cute face. But what interests me are his eyes. They were beautiful, yet they looked so lonely.

I wondered what happened. It made me curious, so I wanted to get closer to him. I thought that if we were close, he wouldn't feel sad.

But it was hard because he was awkward and mostly intimidated by me. He couldn't bear to even see me and preferred to hang out alone. But that hasn't stopped me.

I invited him to watch the lantern rite show together. I was shocked that he showed up. We went on a cliff because people said that it had the best view for the show.

I enjoyed it, but what struck me was when he smiled. It felt special. My heart skipped a beat to see that.

I tried to deny what I felt about him at first. But in the end, I accepted it. I love Xiao.

A warm pat sent me back to the real world. "Well. Whatever you do, I will always support you as your sister."

"Are you being sincere or sarcastic right now?"

She gently punched my shoulder. "It was spoken from the heart, dumbass."

I smiled. "Thanks, sis." She smiled back at me with a matching wink.

"Now, hurry up because we're almost late for class."

Damn. Her mood escalated real quick, which scared the hell out of me. It made me finish the whole meal in a minute.


Author's Note:

Gomenasai ~

Gomenasai ~

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