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I went silent. I was so startled that I forgot how to think and speak because of his sudden appearance.

"Is someone bothering you? Are you in trouble?"


"You said that you found someone, making your heart beat so fast. Is this person threatening you?"

I can hear the sound of laughter from these two idiots in the back. Right. He's clueless.

"No! You probably heard it wrong."

"Or understood it wrong," Venti mumbled. His voice wasn't that loud, but it was loud enough for me to hear it, causing me to elbow his stomach.

"Ow!" Serve him right.

Xiao put his bag on his seat beside me and went to sleep. Sleepyhead. Did I mention that he's my seatmate?

"Hey, guys!" Chongyun butted in with a warm greeting.

"Yun!" Xi ran towards him and gave him a hug.

Chongyun smiled and pinched his nose. "Xi! I didn't know you were already at school. I waited for you in the hallway."

Xi turned in my direction, signaling to me that my assumption was right, and I winked at him in reply.

"You did? Aww. How sweet."

Venti did a fake cough. "Break it up, you two. Respect for the singles."

"Do you want to drink water? You seem to have a cold." I tried to hold on to my laughter when Kazuha's kindness took his fake cough seriously.

"Take it and wash the bitterness away." Burn! Xi is one savage bitch.

"No, thank you," he said with sharp diction. He looked pissed, while Kazuha nodded innocently and sat in his seat.

"This is why he will never be my type," he muttered before he went to his chair.

"And Xi. This is for you, my love," he said, raising his middle finger at him.

Xi, Chongyun, and I burst out laughing and went to our respective seats when Professor Jean entered the room.

"Hello, class. Get your textbook and flip it to page 143."

I fished out the book out of my bag and remembered to wake up sleeping beauty beside me.


He let out a small groan, yet remained asleep. I leaned closer to his ear and thought of a crazy idea.

"I like you," I whispered.

He was so startled that it made him jump out of his seat. "Yes, Xiao. Do you want to explain how the structure of the narrative affects its impact?"

I softly laughed at how he reacted. Man, his face was priceless, like a lost lamb. He glanced at me for help, but he didn't even need it and answered the question perfectly.

"Hey. Did you say something when I was asleep?"

"Did you hear it?" I answered the question with a question. Nice!

"Not really. What was it?"

"Secret." Teasing him is my favorite.


"Xiao." His face looked more troubled. How cute!

"Tell me, please." This is so much more fun than playing video games.

"I said nothing."

He raised a brow, doubting my word. "Are you sure?"

"No." I really have to stop. He's almost at his limit.

"So, what is it?"

I sighed. "I said, I like you."

"What did you say?" Of course, he didn't hear it. I had to lower my voice.


He looked unsatisfied, but he didn't bother me and listened to the lecture.

I had to lie because there's a right place to sincerely confess, and this ain't giving, especially when our professor is having a discussion.

And even if I told him the truth, he wouldn't want me back because he hasn't fallen for me yet.

Do you remember the plan? Which will take a lot of hard work and effort to achieve. But will it work? Will he really like me? Can I do this? Can I turn this clueless man into a romantic person?


Is he talking to me? "Huh? Stop what?"

"Stop staring," he said shyly.

I had so many questions wandering around my head, asking for answers, that I didn't even realize I was already staring at him.

I immediately turned my head away to hide my blush. That was so embarrassing!

Okay. Calm down. Let's try to focus on what Professor Jean is blabbering about.

"You." Or not. Look, my attention span is short. Don't blame me.


He looked down and fiddled with his fingers. "You didn't wait for me earlier."

My mind went blank. I had no idea what he said. "What do you mean?"

"I waited for you in the hallway. I saw you, but you went to class alone and didn't wait for me."

He waited for me. I can already hear the sound of wedding bells ringing so loudly in my ears. I do!

It looks like I was jealous of nothing. Beat that, ladies! I'm on top, baby.

"You were? Sorry! I didn't know, and you looked busy with the other girls." Nah. I'm still jealous.

"I didn't entertain them. I find them annoying." And score one for Aether.

"I also hate crowds. You already know that as my best friend." Right. Best friend here. Knows what he likes and dislikes.

"Really? It looks to me you've enjoyed the attention." I'm sorry, but calling me only his best friend kind of left a pang in my chest.

I was surprised when he suddenly held my hand. "Your presence is what I only need, idiot."

I didn't expect him to do that. I can feel the butterflies fluttering around my stomach. That was so cool. It's as if he were the main character of the story.

My heart raced like there were fireworks popping inside. It felt like the two of us were left in the room until a loud cough interrupted the moment.

"Kindly listen to my class and do the flirting later."

Everyone in the class whistled and even cheered on us, which made me blush out of embarrassment.

"Flirting? Ma'am, we're only best friends." Yay. Way to go. I hope you can hear my sarcasm.

"Right. Best friends," she said, winking. I appreciate the support, ma'am, but he meant what he said. He only sees me as his best friend.

"Yes." I died. Bye.

"Young love. You two remind me of my husband when we were young," she said before continuing her discussion.

"Did you understand what she said?" This is it, doubting myself. Will my plan really work?

"No." Kill me.


Author's Note:

Aether being bold and confident:

Aether being bold and confident:

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