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My heart pounded with every step, and the vivid memory repeatedly played in my mind. Aether has been my best friend for six years, and the more he clings to me, the more his actions become difficult for me to digest.

It was as if he used a method to lure me into a hole with unusual emotions, such as earlier. His lip bit tempted me, and a voice in my head told me to take possession of his lips. What was it?

My knowledge is only limited when it comes to people's interactions, but friends are not supposed to do that, and it is also not normal for me to think like this.

In fact, his voice makes me nervous and makes my heart race. His touch paralyzed me and warmed my insides. And his stare hypnotized me and made me blush.

What is wrong with me? Did my stomach have too much almond tofu today? Also, why does it disappoint me when my lips can't taste his?

Since Venti's appearance snapped me to my right state of mind, my plan to skip basketball practice did not happen.

As the captain of the basketball team, my duties and responsibilities should be prioritized, but my only purpose for skipping one practice was to help my best friend.

However, my body needs to cool down, and Aether's presence would not be able to help me with that.

• Court •

A tall green-eyed guy with messy blond ponytail hair ran towards me and approached me with a smile.

"Xiao, you're here." He greeted and squeezed me into a tight hug until my bones started to crack.

"Get off of me, asshole." I said and tried to escape from his treacherous embrace, but he squashed me to death.

"No can do, mister because you are so cute." He responded.

It is an insult for someone to call me cute because it is an alternative method to calling me short and it makes me pissed.

My foot stomped on his other foot, and my anger vanished when he pulled away and screamed in agony.

"What the hell was that for?" Thoma yelled.

"You deserved it."

He pouted and crossed his arms. "Can't a friend hug his other friend?"

"No." He rolled his eyes at my response and followed me inside the locker room.

He accompanied me to the change room to change into my basketball jersey and rested his back on one of the lockers as he waited for me to get done.

"So, why are you late?" He raised an eyebrow as he asked.

"No reason."

He scoffed and smirked. "Do you plan to lie all day?"

It was hard for me to lie when my cheeks involuntarily blushed without my permission. "Am not."

Thoma gave me a suspicious stare and snapped his finger as if he had figured it out. "Was it a girl?"

His question made me speechless as words wouldn't come out of my mouth and flustered because my heart skipped a beat for some reason and heat arose on my face.

Aether may not be a girl, but he looks quite feminine and sometimes makes me forget that he was a boy.

He cheered and spread a wide smile on his face. "Xiao, you are quick, so when are you going to introduce me to her?"

"It's never like that." My response seemed to be the reason for him shifting his emotions from happy to upset.

It was creepy when he patted my shoulders, and I was confused when he acted as if a tear had rolled down on his cheek, but there wasn't.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐑 | xɪᴀᴏ x ᴀᴇᴛʜᴇʀ (On Revision)Where stories live. Discover now