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"Isn't my plan perfect? With this, women will surely have no worries about their relationship because this is the definition of hot and spicy. Aren't I great? I am also helping their love life." I don't think my mind can't handle this because this made me uncomfortable, and as for my other father, he is completely frozen.

"I'm out," I said, yet dad stopped me again.

"Wait! At least let me know what you think of this." Do I have to answer that?

I rubbed my eyes and answered, "Dad, you do you."

"Aww, don't you like it? You know, it makes me want to ask Aether to try it on because he would look good wearing this." My face suddenly felt hot, and my mind started to picture it.

"Dad!" I yelled. It's already hard to deal with Aether in my dreams; please don't make it worse. I can feel the sweat dripping on my forehead.

He laughed and stuck out his tongue at me. "Kidding!"

"You made my head ache."

"I didn't tell you to imagine it. You did that to yourself," he replied, smirking.

I bit my lip and said, "I have to go."

I grabbed my bag and ran towards the car. Fuck! Get a grip on yourself and stop thinking about it.

My phone suddenly rang, and I quickly answered the call without looking at the caller's name.


Dude, where are you?

On my way.

Don't tell me you're still at your house.


You better hurry up, or you will end up sleeping in the front yard. Your call.


I ended the call and drove my car towards Chongyun's villa. As soon as my car was parked properly, Chongyun approached me with a popsicle in his hand.

"Dude, what happened to you? Your face is red," he asked, taking a bite of his popsicle.

"None of your business."

We both entered the villa, and my stomach suddenly growled. Chongyun immediately noticed it and asked, "Do you want to stop by the kitchen and eat?"

"Do you have almond tofu?"

He scoffed and answered, "We have better food than almond tofu."

We went first to the kitchen to eat, but the fridge was full of ice cream, desserts, and popsicles.

"So, this is better to eat than almond tofu?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes!" I can't believe he answered my question seriously. Can't you hear the sarcasm?

"Who the fuck eats this?"

He puffed his cheeks and pouted, "Hey! It's still edible, so don't be picky."

"It may be edible, but your stomach will die at once." I mumbled and decided not to eat it.

We immediately went upstairs and entered the guest room. As soon as my foot stepped on the room's floor, a pillow suddenly flew at my face.

"Apologies." Kazuha apologized and bowed his head, but when he realized it was me, he smacked me with the pillow.

"You're going to pay with that." He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out. How dare he? He's lucky that I have no mood to fight.

"Xiao! You came," Aether said as he approached me with a smile on his face.

"Hey." What to say? What comes after hey? I suck at this.

"I thought you changed your mind." I don't know how to reply to that.

"Aether, he will never change his mind if you are—" I elbowed this asshole's stomach and didn't let him finish his sentence.

"I-if you are all here," he said, wrapping his arms around his stomach and glaring at me, telling me to fuck off.

Our attention was diverted when Venti clapped his hands and said, "Listen up, people! I have planned some fun activities for this slumber party, and for our first activity, we will play a game."

"Aren't I responsible for that since I'm the one who decided to have a slumber party?" Chongyun mumbled, and it made my eyes roll.

"What kind of game?" Xingqui asked.

Venti smirked and answered, "Let's play Never Have I Ever, but with a twist."

"Question: by twist, do you mean consequences?" Kazuha asked.

"Yes! It still has the same mechanics, but we will spin the bottle for the turns, and whoever experienced the action must receive a punishment, or if we knew that the person was lying," he explained.

"Sounds fun! What will be the punishment?" Aether asked.

Venti grabbed the color markers that were placed on the corner and showed us. "We will put a mark on his face."

I noticed that Xingqui glanced at Chongyun with an evil grin on his face. "It's on."

I see. It's a game that I don't want to play. I placed my bag on the sofa and lay down to get some sleep, but someone threw a pillow on my head.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty. We are all going to play this game without exception," Venti said.

Kill me.


Author's Note:

If you guys are wondering, this is what Aether looks like in Xiao's imagination.

If you guys are wondering, this is what Aether looks like in Xiao's imagination

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