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Morning came, and the sun's rays played upon my fair skin, which brought warmth and woke me up from my deep slumber. I slowly opened my eyes and stretched my muscles as my feet went out of bed. My eyes scanned the room, and I opened the window to feel the gentle morning breeze brush against my skin. What a beautiful day to begin!

My ears listened to the melody of the birds chirping, and my head looked up to see how the artistic yellow sun painted the starry night sky into a blue sky. A smile was immediately plastered on my face.

I fixed my bed and went towards the bathroom to take a warm bath while humming a song. Saturdays are my favorite because it's my rest day; however, it was a miracle for me to wake up early in the morning since my sister is usually my daily alarm clock, especially on weekends. What makes it different today is that my mood felt really good, and there is a sweet sensation within me, which adds flavor.

I decided to make pancakes for breakfast after doing my morning routines, so I immediately headed down to the kitchen and started cooking them. Lumine is the chef in the kitchen since my cooking skills suck, but pancakes? Children could even make them with their eyes closed because they are so easy to cook.

"What the fuck is that smell?!" Lumine yelled and busted out of her room while coughing from the black smoke spreading inside the house.

"Breakfast is ready?" She looked at me, confused, and opened the window to let the smoke out.

"Can you explain what in the world you are doing?" she asked, rubbing her eyes as she saw me holding the spatula and the fried frying pan.

"I was just making pancakes for breakfast," I nervously answered, and she rubbed her temples due to stress.

"First and foremost, you can't cook," she said, turning off the stove to put out the fire.

"Second, what were you thinking? Did you eat bad or drink some poison? What has gotten you?" She added.

"It was an accident. I thought pancakes were easy to make, but I underestimated them."

She scoffed and raised her eyebrows. "Accident? When it comes to you, that was no accident because you can't cook. Do you plan to burn the whole house? Also, do you plan to feed me with this stuff? God, you gave me a headache early in the morning."

Her tone is so scary that my plan to lie went downhill. "It was never my intention to turn the pancakes into a black blob."

"Hold on! Does this have to do with what happened yesterday? With you and the lover boy?" she asked.

My cheeks turned red, and I slowly bobbed my head up and down. She sighed and patted me on the back. "Don't you know that the best way to win a man's heart is through his stomach? At this rate, you won him by sending him off to heaven."

This is it. My plan to become his wife has already failed because my food will only send him straight to the afterlife.

My strength has been drained because of shame and sadness. "Can you bury me in a dark and shady place?"

"Ew. What a drama queen! Just let me do the cooking for now to prevent the house from going on fire," she said.

"Does this mean my love life is over because my cooking skills stink?" My mind is an overthinker.

"No, you just have to practice," she answered.

"Can you teach me how to cook? I want to cook food, especially for Xiao."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐑 | xɪᴀᴏ x ᴀᴇᴛʜᴇʀ (On Revision)Where stories live. Discover now