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"Xiao! You came." It made me so happy that he didn't bail on this sleepover.

"Hey." How is he so cool? It's unfair how he immediately charmed me with his handsome and cute face.

"I thought you changed your mind." It also took me by surprise when he agreed to come to this slumber party because he's the least person I'd expected to come.

"Aether, he will never change his mind if you are—" Chongyun didn't finish off his sentence when Xiao elbowed his stomach.

It made my heart skip a beat to hear what he was going to say. I think that the reason he didn't change his mind was because of me. I tried my best not to smile and act normal.

"I-if you are all here." I see. I want to bury my assumptions in the pit of shame.

Venti clapped his hands to catch our attention and climbed onto a sofa. "Listen up, people! I have planned some fun activities for this slumber party, and for our first activity, we will play a game."

"What kind of game?" Xi asked.

He smirked and answered, "Let's play Never Have I Ever, but with a twist."

Kazuha raised his hand and said, "Question: by twist, do you mean consequences?"

"Yes! It still has the same mechanics, but whoever experienced the action must receive the punishment, unless we knew that the person was lying," he explained.

"Sounds fun! What will be the punishment?"

Venti grabbed the color markers that were placed in the corner and showed us. "We will put a mark on his face."

"It's on." It looks like Xi is planning something, and it's not going to be pretty.

My eyes landed on Xiao, who obviously doesn't have interest in joining the game, and he decided to bail out by sleeping on the sofa. I signaled to Venti to help me with the situation, and he immediately got the message.

He threw a pillow on his head and said, "Wake up, sleeping beauty. We are all going to play this game without exception."

Xiao groaned and lazily moved closer to us. We formed a circle and sat comfortably on the floor. Venti brought a bottle to his hand and placed it in the middle.

"Where did you get this bottle?" Xi asked.

"A magician never reveals his secret." Venti responded and spun the bottle until the tip pointed in Xi's direction.

"And you're up first."

Xi planted a wicked smile on his face and said, "Never have I ever been addicted to cold food."

"Xi!" His boyfriend complained and puffed his cheeks. Xi just stuck out his tongue as a reply.

"What a fantastic day to see that two people are flirting in front of my very eyes!" Venti said sarcastically and passed the markers to Xi.

Xi chuckled and chose the black marker to draw a big mustache on his boyfriend's face. Chongyun rolled his eyes when most of us burst out laughing at him.

Xi spun the bottle and stopped in my direction. "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping."

Venti sighed and voluntarily marked himself with a green marker. "What a poor soul you have."

"What the hell? Have you seriously tried to do skinny dipping?" It made me shocked to know that my friend is so bold to do that skit.

He scoffed and answered, "Duh!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐑 | xɪᴀᴏ x ᴀᴇᴛʜᴇʀ (On Revision)Where stories live. Discover now