Chapter 5

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Anne's POV

"Marcy, you coming," Sasha questioned while knocking on the door.

She seems to be doing somewhat better. To think, only a few hours ago, she was so vulnerable. So fragile.

"I'm coming," Marcy bursted out, still trying to slide on her shoes.

"Good lord," Sasha rolled her eyes. This caused me to snicker under my breath.

Today, we were all going out. I am not one hundred percent sure what the plan is because the whole weekend is a surprise. Plus, Sasha said everything was within walking distance, so it can't be too bad.


Sasha's POV

I was feeling a lot better, especially after getting back on my medication.

Marcy and I were planning to take Anne to this fancy restaurant on the pier along the beach. It was the best place in town and getting a reservation was really tough. I made the reservation several months in advance, wanting everything to be perfect.

Something even better was that it was a restaurant by day, and a fantastic bar by night. The bar was easier to get into, as I've been here a few times.

I have everything perfectly planned out. We will walk around the city for a bit, make it to our reservation by 5 o'clock, and order drinks later tonight. Very simple day. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

-Time Skip-

We did not really see much in the city. The most we done was take random selfies here and there. We did have some snacks like the fancy pretzel sticks to tie us over until the grand reveal.

Marcy tapped my shoulder and whispered, "Hey Sash, how are we going to like surprise Anne?"

"I got it covered," I said pulling a blindfold out of my pocket. Like I've said, I have everything planned one step ahead.

"Hey Anna Banana," I was a little embarrassed because I have never called her that.

"That's a new one," she turned around and winked at me, "I like it."

Did she seriously just wink at me? No way. No freaking way! Maybe she just got something in her eye. Or it could have been allergies.

I scratched the back of my neck and handed her the blindfold.

"It's so you don't ruin the- uh surprise," I was trying so hard not to get tongue tied.

Anne put the blindfold on, and Marcy checked to make sure that she couldn't see.

Seconds later, Anne grabbed my hand. I could feel my heart racing.

"If I'm going to be blindfolded, I will need some kind of guidance," Anne suggested.

God, this girl will be the death of me.

After a short walk, we finally made it to the pier. I slowly let go of Anne's hand.

"SURPRISE," Marcy and I squealed while I removed the blindfold.

"OMG," Anne started jumping up and down, "I can't believe you guys got reservations for this place. I've been wanting to come here for years."

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go," Marcy stated before running ahead with Anne running after her.

I laughed and followed them.

"Reservation for Waybright," I told the hostess.

"Right this way," the hostess lead us to the table with the best view of the ocean.

I sat on one side while Anne and Marcy sat on the other.

"This table is amazing," Marcy exclaimed.

"It's beautiful," Anne said staring at the ocean.

"Yeah," I was looking at her without her noticing, but I think Marcy saw me.

"Oh, I got to use the restroom. I'll be right back, "Marcy mentioned suspiciously, "Care to join me Sasha?"

I followed her to the bathroom and was quickly interrogated.

"Sasha, you're dying out there," Marcy explained.

Of course, I played dumb, "What are you talking about?"

"I can see the way that you look at Anne," Marcy continued, "It's been pretty obvious for years now."

"It's not like she sees me anymore than just one of her best friends," I tried reasoning.

"You don't know that," Marcy pointed out.

Maybe I don't know how Anne sees me. I can't risk losing her.

"Just be patient," Marcy started, "if it's meant to be, it will be."

I hugged her, "Thanks Mar-Mar."

When we returned to the table, we were greeted by our waiter. We took turns placing our orders.

"So Marcy, I started reading your webcomic," Anne remarked, "I love the idea of incorporating your adventures in Amphibia."

"I didn't think it would be so popular," Marcy shrieked.

Hours sped by as we continued talking about our chosen careers and reminiscing of our time in Amphibia.

"It looks like it is starting to get dark," Anne mentioned.

I nodded, "Yep, time for the best part!"

Soon the restaurant was completely flipped with stools lining the bar, and an open dance floor.

"Are you guys gonna drink anything," I wanted to ask before ordering, "I'm buying."

"I don't really drink," Anne pointed out, "I'll probably just get a water."

"I think I'll just have whatever you get, Sash," Marcy said with confidence.

I know Anne doesn't drink much. When we all turned 21, Anne said that drinking just wasn't her cup of tea. On the other hand, Marcy has never been drunk. She has tried a few things, but never drank enough to get drunk.

I ordered a couple of beers for Marcy and myself. What could possibly go wrong?


"I'm so drunk," Marcy was saying before passing out with her head on the counter.

I looked up at Anne, groaning. It looked like she was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Should've drank less," Anne said with a smirk causing me to blush.

Anne took another sip of her water. I was surprised that she only drank water all night.

"Hey, Anne," I muttered.

She responded, "What's up, Sa-"

Before she could finish, I grabbed her shirt collar, kissing her on the lips.

I pulled away and winked, "Happy birthday, Boonchuy."

And with that, everything went black...


oOoOO cliff hanger! Hope everyone is enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it.

Feel free to comment any thoughts.


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