Chapter 13

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Anne's POV


I arrived to Sasha's apartment under thirty minutes. Her car was in the parking lot.

I went up to the door and rattled the knob. Locked. Figures, it is late after all. I searched for her spare key that she hid when she first moved to this place.

I pushed the door open slowly, trying not to make a lot of ruckus. I seen a light coming from the bathroom. At least she is up.

I crept towards the bathroom, seeing her fall over.

I flung the door open, "SASHA!"

There were empty medicine bottles and blood everywhere. Sasha was out cold. I whipped my phone out, calling 911.

It did not take long at all for an ambulance to arrive considering we were in walking distance of the city.


I was sitting in the waiting room. I had texted Marcy, letting her know things had taken a really dark turn.

I was in an utter panic with many burning questions.

What if she doesn't make it? What caused this in the first place?

Marcy: How is she?

Me: I don't know yet. I am still waiting for someone to tell me something.

Me: Follow up question, what is going on?

My phone started ringing. Marcy. We sat on the phone for what felt like hours. Marcy explained the whole fallout with Sasha.

I always thought we were protecting her by not mentioning her screaming at night. She hasn't scream in a long while, but the sleep talking has been pretty frequent.

"Marcy, what if she doesn't make it, and she dies angry at us," I proceeded.

"Anne, take a breath," Marcy said, trying to calm me down.

"Can we even salvage our friendship," I asked.

"I don't know," she replied, "but we have to try.

A doctor walked out of the back, "Are you Anne Boonchuy?"

"I will call you back," I shoved my phone back into my pocket, "Yes, that's me."

He gestured for me to follow him down the hall, "Your friend has lost a lot of blood and is suffering from overdose."

"Is she gonna be okay," I spit out.

"We cannot say for certain," he continued, "As of right now, she is stable."

I sighed with relief until we made it to Sasha's room. She was still unconscious. Her arms were wrapped up, and her breathing was steady.

"She is, also, suffering from a coma, Miss Boonchuy. She may or may not make it," he said as he left the room, leaving me alone.

"What," I managed to whisper while in shock.

I settled into the chair next to the bed and felt the urge to cry.

If Sasha is in a coma, when will she wake up? What if she never wakes up?

I slid my phone out of my pocket and dialed Marcy. It was ringing.

"Anne," Marcy squalled.

"Hey Marc," my emotions were in a numb state.

"Is Sasha okay," Marcy threw multiple questions, "What did the doctor say? How are you feeling?"

I froze up, unable to figure out where to start.

"Sa- Sasha is in a coma," I mentioned on the verge of tears, "I don't know what to do. If we had just told her in the beginning, none of this would have happened."

"Oh Anne," Marcy sounded upset, "The most we can do is hope for the best. We can't change the past, but we can be better today."

"I know," I wiped tears out of my eyes, "but what if she doesn't want to hear us out?"

"Then we give her the time and space that she needs to heal," Marcy reasoned, "We can't force her to listen to us. Just give it time."

"Thanks Mar-Mar," I quit crying, collecting myself.

"No problem," she remarked, "Now, take a breath and do what you feels best without pressuring her or yourself. I'll see you two soon."

"See ya," I hung up the phone.

Marcy was always good at giving advice and listening.

I looked at Sasha laying in the hospital bed. I felt afraid, sad, and anger all at the same time. I could not stand the thought of loosing her.

I took one of her hands, "Sasha, I know you are in there and probably feeling a lot of negative emotions. I want you to know that I am not going anywhere until you wake up. I will always be here for you. Marcy and I should have never kept secrets from you. As best friends, we tell each the good, bad, and ugly."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "I never would have thought that you and I would become so close. You are funny, kind, daring, and overall stunning. I would not trade any of our memories together from fighting in the Rebellion against the Core to sitting on your balcony and chatting about everything. I love you more and more everyday. Please just this once, stay."

I tried really hard to hold back the water works in my head. It failed because the flood was pouring from my face.


I think I may have made a few people angry with the previous chapter cliffhanger.

Stay awesome, my friends!


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