Chapter 16

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Anne's POV

Sasha seemed to be in deep thought. She was staring into space while her fingers glided across my back.

I glanced up at her, "What are you thinking about?"

She shook back to reality, "You."

"Anything else," I didn't want to sound like I am worried about her, but I am.

"There are always something going on in my head," she seen the concerned look on my face, "but do not worry, okay. I can't say for certain when I'll be in a better place mentally, but I want to be better. You are my happy place. When I am with you, the chaos in my head is silenced."

I hugged her tightly, burrowing my head into her chest.


Sasha's POV

I will admit that I am really nervous about starting therapy again. It has been so long ago.


"Sasha Waybright," the receptionist called out.

I stood up and followed her to a small office.

I could feel my heart racing, the sweat forming from my anxiety, and the sting from my fresh cuts.

After what felt like an hour, there was a knock at the office door. A man, with a clipboard in hand, peeked his head in.

"You must be Sasha," he said, checking the papers attached to the clipboard.

I nodded as he took a seat in front of me.

"My name is Dr. Wyatt, and I am here to help," he explained the way things would go.

When it came my turn to tell my story, I was afraid. Regardless of my internalized fear, he was here to help.

I let everything I could spill out of mouth. My parents' divorce. My mother's manipulative nature. My experiences in Amphibia. My self-harm. And anything else I could squeeze within the hour.

There must have been a lot going on due to the therapist rapidly taking notes.

Over the course of several months, I was diagnosed with clinical depression, fear of abandonment, Bipolar Personality Disorder, and certain aspects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I was prescribed a decent amount of medication for all of my mental illnesses. For awhile, I denied that I was sick. I would refuse the medicine until my grandma started counting my pills.

Then, taking my medicine was like second nature. I would take my morning pills first thing when I woke up and took my nightly meds right before bed.

I felt like I was getting better, and I felt proud of myself for once. I graduated college with a Psychology degree, moved into my own place and became a therapist with inspiration to help others.

That is when I stopped taking my medication. I was better over all my issues. Or at least, I thought I was.


I came back to Anne snuggled up to my chest.

She is my happy place. My escape from the negativity my head.

I know we will have to get up soon for my online therapy appointment, but for now, I want to lay here with her forever.


Hello beautiful people! What's up?


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