Chapter 1

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Sasha's POV

It is unreal that it has been ten years since King Andrais invaded Earth. That means it has been ten years since Anne, Marcy, and I left our lives in Amphibia behind.

Everything has changed since then. Marcy moved to another state because her dad got a better job. At the start of high school, Anne and I drifted a little. We talked some, but it was rare. Then in college, we both had our own passion to pursue.

If I have learned anything within the last few years, it is that change is difficult. With all the changes, it has helped me a lot to move forward and reach my full potential. At least, that is what Anne taught me anyways.

Speaking of Anne, today marks her 23rd birthday. Recently, I reached out to Marcy about getting together for the weekend to celebrate. I figured it was the least I could do for Anne.

I'm currently on my way to the airport to pick up Marcy. I'm excited since we have not seen her in a few months.

-Time Skip-

Once I got parked at the airport, I received a text from Marcy.

Marcy: LANDED!!!! Almost at the gate!!!

Me: Awesome!! I'm waiting outside. :)

I noticed the news was airing a bulletin on the ten year anniversary of King Andrais's invasion. At this point, people are referring it to Frog-Vasion and a hoax. After everything, people still would not believe you if you said that you trapped in a world full of frogs.

I seen a few people coming out, so I figured Marcy was getting close. I checked my phone, making sure we were not running behind schedule.

"SASHA," I heard someone squealing.

I looked down from my phone to Marcy waving her hand.

I was so glad she made in one piece, "Marc!"

She started running to give me a hug, but tripped and dropped everything in her possession. Classic Marcy.

Marcy jumped up in an instant, "I'm okay."

I began helping Marcy pick up her belongings and what appeared to be a birthday present for Anne.

I wonder what Marcy got her. Gosh, what if Anne does not like what I got her. Maybe I should call a raincheck. No, this is for Anne. I do not know why I'm so worried, it isn't like I care...

"Sash," I jolted back into reality with Marcy snapping her fingers with concern, "are you okay?"

I must have gotten trapped in my head again. I just shrugged it off, "I'm fine, Mar Mar."

We loaded all of Marcy's belongings into my car and headed off to pick up Anne.

"Gosh, it's been a minute, how was the flight," I questioned to make conversation.

"Pretty good," she responded, "Can you believe it's been ten years?"

"Crazy, right!" I still can't get over that. "What have you been up to, still doing that web comic? I read a few chapters, it's awesome!"

I'll admit I kind of thought Marcy would be a scientist with her smarts. After starting her web comic, I truly believe she made the right decision.

"Sheez, thanks," she always brushes off her hard work, "It's doing pretty well online. And how about you, psych degree coming in handy?"

"Yep, I really like working with the kids overcome their emotional baggage. I have a lot of experience." It was no lie that I had a lot of experience over the years. Anne and Marcy knew about my parents getting divorce when I was younger and my manipulative ways in the past, but that wasn't all. There was more, but I didn't want to push my best friends away with my other baggage.

I was cut off by car without a turn signal, "Hey, nice signal buddy!"

"Sooo, did you and Anne hang out much after I moved?" The million dollar question. I don't guess Anne or I had really addressed that with Marcy.

"At first, yeah," I explained, "but we kind of fell into different friend groups in highschool. We still talked, only every once and awhile."

I could tell that wasn't what Marcy expected. I broke the silence, "Nevermind that though, you hear what Anne's doing these days?"

"YES, Marcy squealed with excitement, "and I love it!"

We continued our drive until we made it to the aquarium.


Hello everyone, especially my fellow Sashanne shippers! This is my first Wattpad story.

Hope you enjoy.


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