Chapter 18

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Marcy's POV

Woah! Both Anne and Sasha have the same idea of proposing to the other. Plus, both want my help to plan how to go about proposing. This is gonna be fun.

"Okay, so hear me out," I explained my highly detailed plan to Sasha inside Anne's apartment.

"That might actually work," she snapped her fingers.

Great, now I just got to run a similar plan with Anne. I will have to adjust a few details, so they both have the chance to make it a cute and romantic proposal. I feel like I should be a bit worried planning on both sides, but it should be fine.

Sasha peeked out the window, seeing Anne's car, "Anne is back. Play it cool, Marbles."

"You got it," I snuggled under one of the blankets on Anne's couch, pretending to be asleep.


Sasha's POV

I heard Anne's keys rattling on her way to the door. I rushed to open it before she fights with her keys.

"Hey," Anne beamed a happy expression.

"Hey, did you get your package," I tilted my head.

"Yeah," she half laughed, "it is kind of a surprise. For you."

I starting leaning in, wrapping my arms around her waist, and pulling her close to me.

I whispered in her ear, "You know I love surprises."

I could feel her heart beating out of her chest.

I placed small kisses on her neck causing her breath to hitch.

"Sashhhh," Anne slightly shoving me with embarrassment, "Not while Marcy's here."

"But she is asleep," I tried to persuade her.

Funny thing is that Marcy was just fake sleeping. She actually fell asleep because she was snoring softly.

Anne looked at sleeping Marcy, and back at my lips. She closed the gap between us, kissing me softly, but lovingly at the same time. She put her hands on my shoulders, pushing me onto her bed.

"Feisty much," I asked, detaching from the kiss.

Anne bit down on her bottom lip, "I can't help myself around you."

I love it when she flirts with me. It makes me fall in love with her all over again.

I tugged her back into the kiss, feeling the heat radiating off her face.

I flipped her over to where she was beneath me. I pinned her wrists down and began trailing kisses and leaving hickeys on her neck.

I wanted to give her everything she ever wanted, but we were both determined to not rush into it.

I released her wrists as she cuddled closer to me.


Anne's POV

During the middle of the night, I quietly crept into living room to wake Marcy.

"Marcy," I scream whispered, shaking her awake.

"Huh," her eyes creeping open, "Anne, do you know that it's after midnight?"

"Yeah," I urged, "but I really need to talk to you since Sash is asleep. Please."

"Okay," she groaned, "Is this about proposing?"

I nodded in agreement, "I want it to be special and memorable."

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