Chapter 17

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Anne's POV

-Important Time Skip-

It has been a little bit over three years since Sasha and I became official. Time definitely flew by, but I would not change any of it.

Marcy and I had been to the Comic Book Convention with plans of meeting up with Sasha to grab milkshakes.

I have been doing a lot of thinking. The last three years have been some of the best years of my life because of a certain someone. I really do not want it to end. Sasha is my person, and I want to make her my forever.

Sasha has been doing a lot better. We take turns staying at each other's apartments. It is almost like we live together. She is still seeing her online therapist and taking her medicine regularly. I have noticed her scars along her arms were pretty much faded. With her tattoos, any stranger would never notice the battles she has been through.

And Marcy. She moved back about a year ago. Her comic has become a top seller across the states, and she has been attending a lot of conventions. She is kind of a big deal. Since she is my best friend, I obviously had to tell her about proposing to Sasha.

"Oh my gosh," Marcy squealed, "Really?"

"Shhhh Mar-Mar," I shushed her, "Sasha will be here any minute now."

"Sorry sorry," she rambled, "You guys are just so adorable, and I get carried away."

I saw Sasha coming towards us. Marcy was trying to collect herself from the big news.


As much as I hated to, I kicked Marcy in her shins.

"Owww," Marcy screeched, "What was tha-"

"Geez, the bathroom line was forever long," Sasha complained, "Why would you decide to clean the other restrooms during rush hour!?"

Marcy tried smiling through her pain as I began to snicker under my breath. Sasha slid into the booth beside me, wrapping an arm around me.

"Sorry about being late," Sasha apologized while rolling her eyes, "Traffic was terrible!"

I kissed Sasha's cheek, "How was work, babe?"

"It was pretty good, nothing I can't handle," she mentioned with confidence, "How was your all's day at the comic book convention?"

"Oh my goodness Sash," Marcy exclaimed, "You should have seen all the people at the comic signing! I can't believe that so many people would interested in three girls trapped in a world full of bugs, frogs, newts, and toads!"

"There was so many little kids running around copies of Marcy's comic and plushies based on the characters," I carried on with Marcy's conversation.

Sasha was thrilled, "That is awesome! I am glad to hear you all had a great day!"

Soon enough, our milkshakes were delivered to our booth. Marcy got a small vanilla, I got a large chocolate, and Sasha got a medium strawberry.

Sasha looked confused, "I didn't order one."

"Oh," I hesitated, "I ordered it, so you did not feel left out."

"Aww babeeee," a smile with a deep blush forming across Sasha's face.

Even after three years of being together, she still can't help but blush around me. It brings me so much joy to know that I am very much in love with her as she is with me. I cannot wait to make her my wife.


Marcy's POV

I cannot believe that Anne is planning to propose to Sasha! They are so cute together! Focus Marcy. I can't get carried away and let anything slip.

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