Chapter 9

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Sasha's POV

I woke up with Anne in my arms, sleeping. I slid my arms out from under her, trying my best not to wake her.

I checked my phone for the time and to see a few missed texts from Marcy, saying she made it home. It was late. I started searching for a pen and paper. The least I could do was write a note that I had to go due to how late it was.

I began scribbling on the paper when I heard the bed creak.

"Sash," she groaned, "are you leaving?"

"Yeah," I sighed, "I didn't want to disturb you."

"It's okay, I would've done the same," she formed a small smile.

She walked over to me and embraced me in a hug.

"Be careful," she begged, "let me know you get home."

"You worry too much," I kissed her once again, "you know I will. I'll see you later."


Me: I'm home now.

Anne💙: Good! I'm going back to sleep, got to be at work early tomorrow. Don't forget to take your medicine tonight.

Me: I won't. Goodnight beautiful. I love you.

I quickly realized what I had done. I tried to stop the message from sending, but it was too late.

It has only been a few days! She is gonna think I'm weird for already saying "I love you." She is gonna break-up with me.

Anne💙: I love you too, Sash. Goodnight. 😘

I took my meds like I said I would. I was taken aback by my thoughts.

Maybe she will think nothing of it. Or worse, she will leave because I'm rushing in our relationship. What if she only said it back because she did not want to hurt my feelings? What if she doesn't love me the way I love her?

I laid down, tossing and turning.


-Sasha's Dream-

It is dark with what looks like the outline of someone.

"I told you that Boonchuy girl was bad for you," I heard them call out.

I knew that voice better than anyone.

"Mom," I began walking towards the faint figure.

"Sasha Waybright," she started to yell, "when will you listen to me? When will you realize that you're asking for your heart to be broken?"

"No. No. No," I repeated, "Anne cares about me!"

"You sure about that," my mother returned, "why don't you ask her yourself?"

"What," I panicked.

My mom pointed behind me. I turned around to see Anne in the distance.

"Anne," I shrieked with fear.

"Sasha," I heard her say faintly, "I can't do this anymore. I can't be with you."

"Please Anne," I cried, "don't do this."

Then, the Anne figure disappeared into nothingness.

"I told you that she was bad news," my mom scolded, "Now you are all alone. No one loves you...."

I jumped up, startled. I pulled my knees to my chest and began crying.

What if my mother is right? What if I am just wasting my time with Anne... My beautiful, sweet Anne. How could you even love the mess I am if you even love me at all?

I picked up my phone and texted Anne.

Me: Is it okay if I come over tomorrow?


Hope you enjoyed.


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