Chapter 2

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Anne's POV

Today is the day. My 23rd birthday. To think, it feels like just yesterday that Marcy, Sasha, and I were zapped to a whole other world.

I am actually really excited about today. Currently, I am working at the Aquarium of the Pacific in a department known as "The Wonderful World of Frogs." After leaving Amphibia, this was something I really wanted to do. Plus, it feels like a way to honor the place that taught me so much.

As I clocked in, I was told of an elementary school tour group coming by later today. This was awesome news because I was gonna be able to tell everything I know about frogs, newts, and toads.

I wish I could tell kids about my journey in Amphibia, but there is an issue with that. When Marcy, Sasha, and I had to explain our adventures in Amphibia, it was kind of brushed off. Everyone just assumed we all ran away from home due to "teen angst." I have seen countless articles and news bulletins that claim, "Kids Trapped in Amphibialand, a Hoax?"

-Short Time Skip-

"A frog's environment is everything, they love humidity," I explained to the small elementary kids, "this energetic little fella is Pink South American Tree Frog."

All of the kids were overcome with excitement. One even asked about the frog's name.

I almost got tangled in my emotions before saying, "I named him, Sprig, after a dear dear friend of mine."

The kids began to move along to the next exhibit while I placed the little guy back in his mini environment.

I miss Amphibia a lot, but I knew it could not last forever. It's just part of growing up and letting go. After everything though, it always surprises me what makes its way back.

As my shift began coming to a close, I locked up the glass and saw someone waving. I turned around to see Sasha and Marcy. I smiled and rushed to hug them both.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNE," Marcy exclaimed.

Sasha seems fidgety before saying, "Happy birthday, Boonchuy!"

What's up with Sasha? She never across as fidgety. Hm.

I was on the verge of tears, "Thank you guys so much!"

Sasha got serious before forming a smile on her face, "Oh, this is not even the best part. Marcy and I have big plans for the weekend."

Marcy eagerly nodded with a huge grin on her face.

I assumed it was a surprise, but I tried asking for more information, "Are you guys gonna tell me any of the details?"

The blonde shook her head no, "Now what would be the fun in that?"

As much I wanted to know, I would just have to play along.


Hi everyone!

Any thoughts?

Hope you enjoyed.


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