Chapter 6

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Anne's POV

I didn't sleep that night. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not stop thinking about last night.


"Should've drank less," I teased at Sasha.

It was kinda funny how drunk Marcy and Sasha ended up. I was trying not to giggle at them.

"Hey, Anne," I heard Sasha under her breath.

I made an attempt to respond, "What's up, Sa-"

Before I could finished, she grabbed the collar of my shirt and kissed me.

She quickly pulled away and winked, "Happy birthday, Boonchuy."

I was in shock that she done that. Tough, but vulnerable Sasha just kissed me.

I could feel the blush on my face. I shook it off because Sasha blacked out.

"Oh crud," I freaked out.


I was chilling on Sasha's balcony, waiting for the others to wake up. She was right about it being the best place to think and relax.

Did Sash really mean that kiss? It could have just happened because she was drunk. She is a hot and confident drunk at that. What? Did I seriously refer to Sash as hot? I wonder if Sash will remember anything from last night...

My thoughts were broke by the door creaking open. It was Marcy.

"You feeling okay, Mar-Mar," I asked, knowing it was her first time drunk.

"I think I'm extremely hungover," she brought a pair of sunglasses with her, "Why is everything so bright?"

I laughed under my breath, "You're definitely hungover!"

"How are you feeling," Marcy placed her hand on my shoulder.

"To be honest, I'm confused," I let out.

"Tell me what happened," she said.

I give her the run down of everything that happened from teasing over them over drinking to Sasha kissing me.

"What are you confused about exactly," she continued to ask.

"I just don't know how I feel about it," I processed to finally come to terms with everything, "I think I mig- might like Sasha more than a friend, but like she's way too out of my league."

"Anne, are you serious," Marcy looked me in the eyes, "Dude, she is literally head over heels for you. Anyone in their right mind could see it."

I was so caught up in my head. All I could think of was Sasha and all the times she was obviously flirting with me. I didn't even notice her coming out.

"See what," Sasha questioned with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh uh," I panicked, "nothing."

Marcy stood up, "I'll be back in a bit, I'm gonna go clean up."

Oh geez. Marcy has left me outside with Sasha. The girl who was so drunk that she kissed me. The girl I have slowly fallen for. The girl who is supposedly head over heels for me. I need to say something.

"Hey Anne," Sasha started, "about last ni-?"

This time it was my turn to cut her off. I placed my hands on her cheeks and leaned my forehead against hers.

"Sash. Before you say anything, I have something to say. I like you, Sasha Waybright. I like you more than a friend. I was afraid to say anything because I swore you were out of my league," I stated, unaware of the sudden confidence.

Based on Sasha's facial expression, I think she was surprised. Not only did I admit to liking girls, but her especially.

"Anne, I have liked you since our return from Amphibia," she placed her hands around my waist. She proceeded to tell me about her dream from the other night.

I had no idea that Sasha's mom didn't like Marcy and me. Explains why she left anytime we were over. I hate that the world has been so harsh on Sasha even after she changes in Amphibia. She really did become a better person.

I looked Sasha in the eyes, "can I kiss you?"

She looked at me with such admiration, "I would like nothing more."

We both leaned in and kissed with pure passion. I didn't realize how soft Sasha's lips were.

"I enjoyed that," she said as we pulled apart.

"Me too," I stated with my face redder than a tomato.

"Anne Boonchuy, will you be my girlfriend," Sasha inspected.

I kissed her again, "does that answer your question?"

I think I caught her off guard because her face was engulfed in a blush.

"Woohoo," Sasha and I heard Marcy, peeking out behind the curtain.

"What the heck, Marc," Sasha swore, "how long you been there?"

"I've only been here a couple minutes," she played innocent and ran off.

I started dying of laughter. Sasha joining in after a few seconds.

I reached and put my hand in hers. She lifted my hand and placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

I have the most beautiful girlfriend. Now, I'm the happiest girl in the world. Definitely the best birthday weekend ever.


Heyyyy!! I created the most cheesey thing ever!

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