Chapter 19

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Sasha's POV

You can do this. You can do this. Do not worry so much. We are going to the park, you will propose, and everything will fine.

"Babe," Anne said, grabbing my shoulder with a raised brow, "Are you okay?"

"Just the normal spacing out," I pretended to wipe sweat from my forehead.

"We could just stay in tonight if you don't feel up to it," she suggested.

"No," I blurted out, "I promise everything is fine. If they wouldn't, you would be the first to know."

Anne's facial expression softly as she entangled our hands.

"Speaking of which," Anne called out, "Mar-Mar, what's the hold up?"

"Hang on," I heard Marcy yell from the guest room.


Marcy's POV

I was in the guest room, grabbing my drone with a build in camera.

I have not been able to use the drone, yet. With both Sasha and Anne planning to propose today, this was the perfect day to put it to use. When I explained the plan to Anne and Sasha individually, they were both fully onboard.

I squeezed the drone along with snacks into my green backpack and popped out of the room.

"C'mon let's go," I started jumping up and down.


Anne's POV

Gosh, I am so nervous. I cannot be suspicious, or I will be a dead giveaway to Sasha.

I shoved the ring that I had picked out deep into my pocket, hoping it would not be too obvious.

We all decided on going to the park. It was not just any park either. It was the park where the three of us got sent to Amphibia, and the park where I first met Sasha. This park holds a lot of memories for us, making it the perfect spot to propose.

I remembered the way Marcy illustrated the plan.


"Soooo I bought a drone a little while back, and I am dying to try it out," Marcy rambled in low voice, "I could give you all some privacy at the perfect moment during our walk in the park. That is when I will get the drone up and going, undetected and unheard."

"How am I going to know that you are all set with video and stuff," I began spilling out questions.

"Hmmm good question," she snapped her fingers, "How about I signal you with a ka-ka noise like a crow or something like that?"

"That would work," I answered, "Maybe it will be so natural that Sasha does not think too much about it."

"Ha yeahhhh," Marcy commented.


I returned back from my flashback to Sasha tugging at my arm.

"Anne," she startled me, "you coming?"

I grinned, "Yeah!"

We started walking through the park, all the memories flooding back.

"Anne," Marcy screamed, pointing at the swing set, "come swing with me!"

"Hehehe," I joined Marcy on the swings that were often bullied off of as kids.

Sasha followed close behind me, hands in leather jacket pockets.

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