Chapter 10

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Anne's POV

Sasha❤️: I'm home now.

Me: Good! I'm going back to sleep, got to be at work early tomorrow. Don't forget to take your medicine tonight.

Sasha❤️: I won't. Goodnight beautiful. I love you.

She loves me. My beautiful, strong girlfriend loves me.

I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I was so happy.

Me: I love you too, Sash. Goodnight. 😘

I snuggled under the blankets and fastly fell asleep with a smile on my face.


In the middle of the night, I heard my phone go off. It was Sasha.

Sasha❤️: Is it okay if I come over tomorrow?

I furrowed my brow.

Why is she texting in the middle of the night? Something is definitely wrong.

Me: Of course! You're always welcome here. Everything okay?

Sasha❤️: Yeah, yeah.

She is not okay. I don't want to push her, but I can tell something is definitely bothering her. I guess I will just wait until tomorrow evening.


-Time Skip-

I heard a knock at the door. I answered it to find Sasha, fidgeting.

"Hey, come in," I gestured for her.

I leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled away from me. She did not say anything as she sat down on the couch.

I closed the door and sat myself next to her. She seemed really distance in her head.

"Sasha," I laid my hand on top of hers, "What's wrong?"

"I- I had a nightmare again last night," her eyes beginning to tear up, "My mom said things. You said things. I was alone."

She wasn't making a whole lot of sense. It broke my heart seeing her like this.

I moved my hands to wrap around her and pull her to where her head was on my chest. Sasha continued to cry into my shirt as I played in her hair, trying to ease her pain.

She needed to let her feelings out. I can tell she has a lot bottled up inside her. She may play tough for everyone else, but under that thick skin is a fragile heart.

"Don't worry, Sash," I continued playing in her hair, "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise," one stray tear rolling down her face.

"I promise," I pulled her to face me and gripped her hands, "now please, tell me what happened."

Sasha squeezed my hands, "It was dark, and a faded figure was yelling at me. It turned out to be my mom. She kept talking bad about you and how you will eventually leave me. Then, you showed up and broke up with me. You disappeared, and my mom kept telling me how alone I was."

Tears crept out of Sasha's eyes. I pulled my hands away and put them on her face. I wiped away her tears with my thumbs.

"Sasha," I gazed into her deep blue eyes, "I'm so sorry."

She was in a lot of pain. Sasha has verbally abused by her mom, and it has really taken its toll on her.

"You do not have to worry about me leaving you," I reassured her, "I love you."

Sasha made eye contact with me. She had kind of a shocked look on her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that," I freaked out.

"You," she started, "you love me?"

"Of course, I do," I was a little confused, "why?"

"I- I was afraid it was too early when I sent it over text last night," she stuttered.

"It isn't too early because the feeling is mutual," I explained.

"In that case," she give me a quick peck on the lips, "I love you too."

I slowly pulled Sasha back into another kiss. I moved my hands to her waist and moved her to my lap.

"Dang Boonchuy," she stopped.

I was afraid I done something wrong, "Uh, was that not okay?"

"It was better than okay," she gave me a look of admiration, "I just didn't know you had it in you."

She leaned back in to kiss me, pinning me on the couch with her on top of me.

We were not going to rush anything. Sasha repositioned herself to where she was snuggled on top of me.

"Thanks Anne," she glanced up at me, "I needed that."

"Can't resist my charm," I wiggled my brow.

Sasha laughed at my attempt to flirt, "I can't resist you."

"I love you, Sasha Waybright," I told her again.

"I love you too, Anne Boonchuy," she said poking my nose.

I smiled from ear to ear.

Sasha truly was special to me. I can't imagine life without her.

"Uh if you want to, you could um stay here," I struggled spitting out my words, "You cannot work if you are sleepy, and I know your nightmares must be keeping you up."

There was complete silence.

Crud. I screwed up, didn't I?

"I would love nothing more, but to stay here with you," she muttered.


I can't help, but be so cheesey.


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