Chapter 11

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Sasha's POV

Anne is just so understanding of me. She never forces me to do something, but helps me to improve and grow. Just another thing I love about her.

I was on my way to my apartment to pick up a few things. Anne said I could stay over for a few days.

I raced into my apartment. I grabbed a few outfits, my toiletries, an oversized hoodie, my medication, and a couple other items.

On the way there, I hooked my phone up to my car for music purposes. When I clicked shuffle, the first song to play was "As If It's Your Last" by BLACKPINK.

This song brought back memories like the prank that Marcy and I forced Anne into.

I was such a terrible person for forcing Anne into the trouble that Marcy and I caused. What if I become that person again? No. I am not that person anymore. I have changed for the better.

I snapped back from the battle in my head by a car honking their horn. The light had turned green and I didn't even notice.

"Oh my gosh," I began freaking out.


I got back to Anne's and smelled like she had been cooking. She was even wearing a cute apron.

"You actually came back," Anne greeted me.

"I would never miss the opportunity to stay with my adorable girlfriend," I said while hugging her.

She hugged me back placing a kiss on my cheek. I picked her up and spun her around.

"Sashaaaa," she chuckled, "put me down."

Her laugh was so freaking lovable.

"No," I played stubborn, "you are mine."

"But I got to finish cooking our supper," she begged, "please."

I set her down as she ran to the kitchen. I followed behind her to see this dinner she prepared.

"It smells great," I bragged, "what is it anyway?"

"It is a Thai soup that my mom used to make called Tom Kha Gai," she explained.

"oOoOO fancy," I watched her stir the ingredients together.

I seen Anne getting flustered.

I sat down on one side of the table, waiting.

"You know," I said, biting my lip, "you're pretty hot in that apron.

I saw Anne's face burst into more darker shade of red. She reached to scratch her neck, embarrassed.

She grabbed two bowls, and dipped enough for the two of us.

"Thank you," I grinned.

"You're welcome," she returned a smile.

I carefully blew my soup and took a bite.

"Anne," I was blown away, "this is delicious!"

"Aw shucks," she denied.

"I'm serious," I continued, "you outdone yourself. Since you have went through all the trouble of cooking, I'll wash the dishes."

"You don't have to do that," Anne refused.

"I want to," I pleaded.

I wrapped the remainder of the soup up and started on the dishes. There wasn't a lot, but Anne deserves a break. I told her that she could go get ready for bed while I cleaned the kitchen.

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