Chapter 20

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-Six Months Later-

Sasha's POV

It is funny. If you had asked me in high school if I would ever get married, I would have said, "No way." Although if you asked me today, I would say that I am just as surprised as you.

I am literally hours away from marrying the girl of my dreams. Marcy had stayed at my apartment to help me get ready while Anne stayed with her parents. They were thrilled to hear about their daughter getting married.

"I don't know, Marc," I looked in the mirror, admiring the dress I had chosen. It was strapless with matching detachable sleeves and a small silver necklace.

Marcy came up behind me, looking into the mirror, "You look great, Sash!"

"I think it is just nerves," I could feel the butterflies swarming my stomach, "Does everyone feel nervous on their wedding day?"

"Probably," Marcy spoke back, "I don't know. I'm not married."

I nudged her shoulder as we both bursted out in laughter.

"Now, c'mon. We need to start on your hair and make-up," Marcy dragged me to sit down.


Anne's POV

Okay, you got this. It is only your wedding day. One of the most important days of your life. The day where you make your beautiful girlfriend your wife. No big deal, right?

Truth be told, I am way beyond nervous. It isn't that I don't want to get married. It is just that I am in disbelief that it is going smooth sailing. What if we get into an argument, resulting in us tearing up?

I heard a loud knock at my old bedroom door, "Anne, honey, I'm coming in."

"Mom, how do I look," I turned around, showing off my white tuxedo.

"Oh sweetie," my mom's face soften as she put her hands on her cheeks, "you look fantastic!"

"Everything okay," my dad popped his head in the doorway.

He looked at me and froze, "My little princess is all grown up. You look very pretty, baby girl."

I leaned back, "Oh! Dad, can you help me tie my tie?"

"Anything for my sweet Anne," my dad grabbed the tie, looping it around my neck, "okay, all set."

"And don't forget your boutonnière," my mom rushed over with my blue clip on rose, pinning it to my suit.

I smiled wide, pulling both my mom and dad into a hug, "Thank you so much for everything!"

Both of my parents patted me on the back.

I glanced over at the clock, "We better get going or we will be late."

"Not if I'm driving," my mom smirked.


Marcy's POV

If I have learned anything from wedding planning, decorating, being the best person for Anne and Sasha, it is that weddings are hard as crap to manage. And that is coming from someone who loves planning down to the smallest of details.

Anne and Sasha decided they would not see each other until the wedding because of the old wise tale.

"You okay, Sasha," I finished adjusting the veil on her head.

Sasha took a deep breath, forming a huge smile, "Yeah. I'm better than ever. I'm getting married, Marcy!"

"To think, you was a disaster about an hour ago," I snickered.

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