Chapter 7

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Sasha's POV

Who would have ever thought that I would be dating the girl of my dreams? I could not be happier.

Today was the last day of Anne's birthday weekend. Marcy and I did not have much planned today. All we were gonna do was give Anne her presents, eat the surprise ice cream cake stored in the freezer, and chill around the apartment.

"I can't believe your flight back home is tomorrow," Anne seemed disappointed.

I can't say I blame her. We have had so much fun together the last few days.

"Don't worry," Marcy reassured her, "I'll be back as soon as I can. Distance hasn't been an issue so far."

Anne laid her head on my shoulder, and I placed a kiss on her head.

"You guys are so cute," Marcy gushed.

I saw Anne cover her blush with her hands.

"You're too cute," I whispered in her ear.

"Sashaaaa, you're embarrassing me in front of Marcy," Anne said shoving at me as I snickered.

We had watched movies and snacked on popcorn mostly because Marcy and I were super hungover. As of right now, we were currently in the middle of Love Choice 2. To be honest, I couldn't tell you what was even going on. I was too distracted by Anne.


As the credits rolled, I quickly jumped up.

"Where are you going," Anne asked, tugging at my hand.

I turned with a small smile, "I have one more surprise before your presents."

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the ice cream cake out of the freezer. I placed a 23 candle topper and lit it.

I came back to the living room area and started singing happy birthday. I heard Anne gasp before Marcy joined in on the song.

I set the cake down and waited for Anne to make a wish. I sat beside her, taking her hand in mine. Then, she blew out the flame.

"What did you wish for, Boonchuy," I asked.

"My wish has already came true," she replied.

"Really," Marcy interfered.

"All I wanted was to spend my birthday with my two favorite people," Anne continued, "My best friend and my girlfriend!"

I love it so freaking much when Anne refers me as her girlfriend. It warms my heart that she is my girlfriend.

"It's chocolate," Anne squealed.

I scratched the back of my neck, "Yeah. I heard that chocolate was your favorite."

Before I knew it, Anne had devoured her slice of cake. If that didn't say chocolate was her favorite, then I don't know what did.

Marcy hopped up and ran to grab the two gifts stored in the guest room.

"You have to open mine first," Marcy screeched.

Anne took the orange bag with green paper, and rummaged through it. She pulled out a printed copy of a comic. The comic had a drawing of Anne and the Plantars on the cover.

"After I heard about all your adventures, I decided to turn them into a comic. I know how much Amphibia meant to you," Marcy spoke.

"Wow," Anne raced to hug Marcy, "Thank you Mar-Mar! I love it!"

Dang, Marcy's gift was so thoughtful. What if Anne doesn't like my gift? No. It will be good. She will love it.

Marcy passed my gift to Anne. She gave the blue wrapped gift a small shake, trying to determine the contents.

Anne looked at me for some form of reassurance. "Don't be shy now, open it," I shook my head towards the box.

She ripped into. I got Anne two things to make up one gift. She pulled out a pink stuffed frog and a smaller black box. She proceeded to open the smaller box to find a necklace with three charms attached. Each charm was colored like the our stones from the calamity box.

Anne squealed with excitement. "Oh my goodness, Sash!"

"I'm glad you like it," I smirked.

"Like it, I love it," Anne exclaimed, "and the frog plushie looks like Sprig!"

She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you so much! Both of you! This has been the best birthday weekend ever!"

Marcy joined our hug, "Hey, don't forget me!"

"You know we wouldn't leave you out! You played as big a part as I did in making Anne's birthday a success," I pointed out.

I looked down at my watch to see that it was already 9:50 PM.

Damn, time really does fly when you are having a good time. I hate that every day couldn't be like this. Or at least having Anne around all the time. Maybe if everything works out between me and her, I might ask her to move in with me. Woah! We just started dating today. Chill out, Sash.

I took a quick shower and put my pajamas on. This time, I still wore the blue checkered shorts and a light pink t-shirt. After revealing my scars and taking my medication again, I gained a confidence boost. I was beginning to feel comfortable in my own skin again.

Anne just wore her normal white t-shirt and black basketball shorts.

Even in pajamas, she was still the prettiest girl in the world. At least through my eyes.

Marcy put on a pair of grey sweatpants and and a white t-shirt with some anime character on the front.

Marcy headed for the guest room. I done one last nightly check in with her before she leaves tomorrow.

I was about head straight to my room when I seen Anne still sitting on the couch with the frog plush.

"Hey," I placed an arm around her, "you okay?"

"Yeah," she continued to fiddle with the plushie, "Do you ever miss Amphibia?"

I lifted her chin with my other hand, "I'd be lying if I say I didn't."

"You think we'll ever see that world again," she asked.

"I can't say for certain," I said honestly, "maybe."

I really didn't have the answer for that. Since the stones were only meant to send us home, there is just no definite answer.

We both stood up and tiptoed to my room. After getting settled, Anne was quick to wrap her arms around me with her head on my chest.

"Goodnight," she snuggled.

"Goodnight Boonchuy," I flicked the lamp off and dozed off.


I want to thank everyone who has read, voted, and/or commented so far. I greatly appreciate it and hearing from you all really makes my day!


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