Chapter 8

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Marcy's POV

-The Next Morning-

I woke up, turning to look at the clock. It read 9:30 AM.

Crap. My flight is at 10:30 AM.

I got up and dashed to Sasha's room. I did not even knock I just bursted in, but there was no one in there.

What the heck?

"Hey Mar-Mar, whatcha doing," Anne inquired.

"Wahhh," I screamed, falling out of fear.

"Sorry," Anne apologized, "I did not mean to frighten you. What are you panicking over?"

I rose back up, trying to catch my breath, "My flight. It's an hour!"

"Relax, Marc," I heard Sasha in the kitchen, "Your flight isn't until 12. All flights were delayed. Not to mention, Anne and I got up early to make sure you had everything. Didn't want you forgetting anything."

"That's why we let you sleep in while Sash made breakfast," Anne added.

"Aw, you guys," I wore a smile on my face, "you're too kind. oOoOO are those pancakes?"

"Yep," Sasha smiled.

I made my plate the second they were done while Sasha made her and Anne's plate.

It took no time for me to finish mine. I cleaned my dishes and left my friends in the kitchen while I cleaned up.


Anne's POV

"You have really out done yourself with these pancakes, Sash," I mumbled with my mouth full.

"Thank you, love," she replied softly, "I see you're wearing the necklace I got you."

I reached to play with the chain, "yeah, it means a lot to me."

I finished up and grabbed the remaining dishes. As I washed the dishes, Sasha came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. She placed her chin on my shoulder.

I allowed the water in the sink to drain and dried my hands off.

Then, Sasha spun me around and planted a soft kiss on my lips. She started to pull away, but I pulled her right back, putting my hands around her neck.

"Wow," she smirked, "didn't know you had it in you, Boonchuy."

"I'm just full of surprises," I winked.

"A little help," Marcy said, trying to drag her belongings.

Sasha rushed over, grabbing Marcy's bags, and carrying them to the car.


"Text us when you get home," I explained.

"You know it," Marcy waved as she loaded onto her plane.

We waved until she was boarded. Just like that, the plane took off. Now, it is just me and Sasha.

"You think she'll be okay," I laid my head on Sasha's shoulder.

"Yeah," she reassured me, "what are you looking at?"

I lifted my head and looked at her, "I'm just admiring how cute my girlfriend is."

In a matter of seconds, Sasha's face was covered with a blush. She tried to cover it up with her hands.

I rolled my eyes, laughing as Sasha nudged at me.

"We better get going," I took my hand in hers, "we both go back to work in the morning."

We loaded in the back into Sasha's car and headed to my apartment.

"You gonna come in," I fiddled with my hands.

She stuttered, "You wa- want me to come wit- with you."

"Of course I do," I reached out my hand, she gladly accepted it.

I planned on carrying my bag, but Sash insisted that she carry it because it was the nice thing to do.

I keep thinking about how much Sasha has really changed over time. It is just one of the things I love about her. Love?

I unlocked the door and Sasha set my bag down.

"Well this is-," I was cut off by Sasha kissing me.

She had one hand around my waist with the other pinning me against the wall.

I pushed her back a step, "Hey, I wasn't done talking."

"I'm sorry," she moved her hands, "I just really really wanted to kiss you."

My face flared a small blush. I put my hands on her cheeks and whispered, "I really really want to kiss you too."

Sasha's face lit up. She put her hands back around my waist and picked me up.

She really was strong. I swear I love this girl. Crud. I said love again.

She lifted her head and kissed me once more. This time seemed way more passionate as I deepened the kiss.

As she pulled back, "was that okay?"

I tilted my head, grinning, "definitely okay."

She set me down, and I ran to my room.

The blonde followed after me. I was laying on my bed, scrolling on my phone.

Sasha laid behind me, nuzzling her head in my neck. Next thing I knew, she was fell asleep peacefully.

I love seeing her asleep. She is so beautiful when she actually sleeps. She has slept so much better since going back on her medicine. I'm so proud of her. I wish she could just stay here with me forever.


Gotta love cute moments. Plus a Marcy's POV for my Marcy fans!!!


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