Chapter 21: Epilogue

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Anne's POV

Sasha and I are married. We are actually married, and she is my wife. It is feels like a dream, but pinching myself helps me to realize that it was a reality.

We were nearing our destination for our honeymoon. We were headed to Las Vegas for a few days. Neither of us have ever been, but it was on our bucket list. So, we thought it would be cool to go there on our honeymoon.

We arrived by nightfall. The entire area was lit up by lights. You couldn't even see the sky due to all the bright shining lights.

"Wow," I awed with starry eyes, "it is even more amazing than I could ever imagine."

"Ha yeah," Sasha let go of my hand, placing it on my thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.

I felt the rush of my heart inside chest as my cheeks started flaring dark red.

"You are so cute, love," Sasha leaned over with her eyes still focused on the road.

I gave her a small nudge before laying my head on her shoulder, "you too."

We checked into our hotel and carried our luggage up to our room.

I returned to the room, looking around for Sasha, "Babe?"

Then, the door creaked shut. Before I could turn around, I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. Sasha.

She pushed me up against the wall, pinning my wrists above my head. I melted into the kiss, feeling our smiles with each kiss.

Sasha held both my hands up with one hand as the other moved to undoing my purple necktie.

Sasha leaned back, freeing my hands from her grip, "uh Anne?"

I put my hands on her cheeks, showing her that she had my full attention.

"I wa- want you," she tripped over her words.

My expression softened, "Truth be told, I want you too. Can we at least change into something that isn't our wedding attire haha?"

"Oh definitely," she said without hesitation, rushing to change in the bathroom.

I threw on a white tank top with navy colored shorts, leaping on to the bed and waiting for Sasha.

Sasha slipped out of the bathroom in only a black sports bra and matching shorts.

My jaw dropped, "Woah mama! You look gooooood!"

There was a faint blush visible on her cheeks, "Might wanna close your mouth, you might swallow a fly."

She raced over to the bed, tackling me in the process. She laid her lips to mine, running her hands through my hair. She was beginning to trail along my jawline and down my neck.

I rested my hands on her back, tracing with my index finger in circles. I bit the side of my mouth, afraid to make a sound.

I began feeling Sasha's kisses get rougher. I felt her peppering kisses and sucking on my collarbone, causing me to let out a small whimpering noise.

Sasha moved her lips back to mine, syncing into our usual pace. I felt her tongue, begging for entry. I gladly accepted, battling her for dominance.

"Trying to be in control again," I grinned, knowing she picked up on my sarcasm.

"Better know it," she laughed before connecting out lips once again.

A tiny moan escaped my mouth during our full-on make out session. I used one hand to outline Sasha's curves, feeling her skin.

"I love you so much, Sash," I managed to get out.

She rose up, straddling me, "I love you so much too, baby girl."

With that, the night was an adventure alone.

I am happy where we have come from and where we are. I cannot wait to see we are going to be years from now.

Those are thoughts that are always in my head, anyways.


Thank you all for reading!!

Be sure to check out my other stories!


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